Skill Rank Sum for Primal Pvm Social 110 on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.1. L0000o0ol | 328,421 |
2. Rare Chance | 420,045 |
3. Digestive | 461,530 |
4. Floxin | 583,730 |
5. Derrik | 625,904 |
6. Madvantage | 639,519 |
7. Wyd | 666,638 |
8. Spewler | 684,044 |
9. Japanese | 993,462 |
10. Max Dabs | 1,052,148 |
11. L0rd Tom | 1,062,283 |
12. Jd7 | 1,076,690 |
13. Vexers | 1,083,342 |
14. Yek | 1,211,323 |
15. Oergghjjf | 1,278,960 |
16. Dr Horsehead | 1,368,015 |
17. Hdarcticus | 1,372,260 |
18. Llegend Tank | 1,404,724 |
19. Vidas | 1,408,505 |
20. Lustwaffle | 1,600,630 |
21. Lord Polak | 1,631,188 |
22. Twubble | 1,712,790 |
23. Grind Zulrah | 1,888,947 |
24. Io Jah Pul | 1,924,458 |
25. Im Ya Papa | 2,007,914 |
26. The Wobble | 2,064,412 |
27. Votre | 2,188,901 |
28. Baconist | 2,221,843 |
29. Arcu | 2,397,999 |
30. Ghoul Kaneki | 2,410,409 |
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