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Total Melee XP for Oblivion 05 01 17 on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Attack XP + Strength XP + Defence XP

61. Joshii153,952,420  (40,463,145 + 71,721,913 + 41,767,362)
62. Mayhaps153,236,944  (33,203,433 + 96,366,704 + 23,666,807)
63. Ib152,098,134  (52,499,176 + 56,290,776 + 43,308,182)
64. D Girl151,951,462  (48,358,520 + 66,584,568 + 37,008,374)
65. Beckerr149,972,636  (34,341,565 + 84,398,939 + 31,232,132)
66. Regio148,463,697  (28,677,755 + 84,470,560 + 35,315,382)
67. Pmy39148,218,282  (27,994,367 + 85,955,311 + 34,268,604)
68. Marg3144,595,633  (47,082,572 + 59,411,839 + 38,101,222)
69. Soldjer142,560,353  (37,847,750 + 72,458,522 + 32,254,081)
70. Seyed141,713,038  (15,996,462 + 19,757,568 + 105,959,008)
71. Poor Nooby139,360,239  (40,287,704 + 71,610,119 + 27,462,416)
72. Dy1an139,093,495  (23,828,505 + 91,341,867 + 23,923,123)
73. Santa138,664,638  (51,656,370 + 56,542,946 + 30,465,322)
74. Cronus137,899,886  (28,145,287 + 83,891,820 + 25,862,779)
75. Faint137,548,860  (37,645,739 + 68,967,793 + 30,935,328)
76. Mc Squared137,155,175  (43,453,119 + 55,235,386 + 38,466,670)
77. Flooga136,603,045  (31,605,596 + 71,655,660 + 33,341,789)
78. Outie136,299,794  (33,432,380 + 70,484,305 + 32,383,109)
79. Jor Dinh136,118,690  (36,920,820 + 63,422,174 + 35,775,696)
80. Moeislove135,988,169  (40,109,822 + 60,352,666 + 35,525,681)
81. Gurp Gork135,945,494  (45,710,779 + 50,436,494 + 39,798,221)
82. Roussel135,202,698  (26,049,925 + 89,541,303 + 19,611,470)
83. Thom Of Dn133,715,968  (46,090,442 + 63,948,929 + 23,676,597)
84. Rostropovich133,050,694  (36,460,908 + 60,140,954 + 36,448,832)
85. Phyxiuz133,015,769  (29,713,013 + 70,647,990 + 32,654,766)
86. Soul Splitin131,664,573  (46,158,881 + 50,569,174 + 34,936,518)
87. The Man131,341,948  (41,494,268 + 56,014,453 + 33,833,227)
88. Sergeisativa131,162,771  (39,822,846 + 65,251,336 + 26,088,589)
89. Yesyesyall131,011,820  (32,066,113 + 73,797,737 + 25,147,970)
90. Overmind130,340,550  (32,203,340 + 69,005,070 + 29,132,140)

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