Skill Rank Sum for Oblv 05 05 2016 on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.1. Kacy | 75,501 |
2. Exp Nerd | 241,723 |
3. Derrick Rose | 244,996 |
4. Renato | 329,021 |
5. Nowlan2 | 352,735 |
6. Mob Partyhat | 368,044 |
7. Mike Hunt | 395,649 |
8. Miqdad | 401,480 |
9. J Eff | 407,988 |
10. Magnautism | 418,477 |
11. Vgtrs | 432,228 |
12. Jokr | 463,252 |
13. Fiiggy | 464,390 |
14. Sick Irony | 485,553 |
15. Accursio | 516,008 |
16. Custom Tk | 525,218 |
17. Jumanji | 526,001 |
18. Striker8 0 | 533,421 |
19. Hom3r | 567,922 |
20. Cynosure | 570,641 |
21. Gurp Gork | 572,428 |
22. Flooga | 573,525 |
23. Sac | 605,854 |
24. Overmind | 612,435 |
25. Joshii | 616,256 |
26. Lleffe | 640,015 |
27. Coronel | 661,850 |
28. Killerkotti | 687,284 |
29. ROBBOsickdog | 689,490 |
30. Baked Saiyan | 702,103 |
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