Combat Level for Oblv 05 05 2016 on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
The virtual combat level of each player.181. Cello | 134 |
182. Xeris | 134 |
183. Endowment | 134 |
184. Coarl | 134 |
185. Korobieniki | 134 |
186. Amd27 | 133 |
187. Unknowably | 133 |
188. Tryggen | 133 |
189. Sinqe | 133 |
190. Truther | 133 |
191. Rekosiffredi | 133 |
192. Sess Boy | 133 |
193. Draza | 133 |
194. Yoom | 133 |
195. Miscy | 133 |
196. Fin Ish | 132 |
197. Dmte | 132 |
198. Kurv | 132 |
199. Kletza | 132 |
200. Haemophilia | 132 |
201. J A K E | 132 |
202. Blockhead | 132 |
203. Wastelander | 132 |
204. Tamberi | 132 |
205. Brittanyx | 132 |
206. Ordy | 132 |
207. Loadedskill | 132 |
208. Zymotic | 132 |
209. Xp Jeff | 132 |
210. Im No Savior | 131 |
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