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Current Top for J Boy Collective
Records for J Boy Collective

Group ID: 35023
Total names in group: 22
Total names in database: 5
Total datapoints: 93
Total efficient time played: 140 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 5
Average virtual total level: 507
Average virtual combat level: 53
Total XP: 36,954,536
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0

Average XP of each player:
7,390,907 xp
724,670 xp (lvl 69)
252,388 xp (lvl 59)
1,263,380 xp (lvl 75)
1,209,162 xp (lvl 74)
1,311,249 xp (lvl 75)
197,513 xp (lvl 56)
673,985 xp (lvl 69)
307,423 xp (lvl 61)
756,791 xp (lvl 70)
25 xp (lvl 1)
50,194 xp (lvl 42)
20,776 xp (lvl 34)
46,036 xp (lvl 42)
46,170 xp (lvl 42)
12,918 xp (lvl 29)
59 xp (lvl 1)
3,053 xp (lvl 16)
17,724 xp (lvl 32)
42,945 xp (lvl 41)
13,531 xp (lvl 30)
243 xp (lvl 3)
3,357 xp (lvl 17)
9,881 xp (lvl 27)

Players in group (22):
1. Budget Main
2. Tree Hug 55
3. Magic Tshirt
4. Reassurer
5. Lvl 1 Attk
6. Ch Ur
7. Too Awake
8. Mobile Nher
9. Intaresting
10. Plspetdogz
11. Into Ur Mom
12. Instaredbar
13. Im Hard As
14. A3 Paper
15. Solo Vibing
16. Im Only New
17. Bred N Buta
18. Pray1ng
19. Rng Sucker
20. Ulti Rng
21. Weak Nub
22. No Ur Asleep

Players in group not in database (10):
1. mobile_nher
2. intaresting
3. plspetdogz
4. into_ur_mom
5. instaredbar
6. im_hard_as
7. solo_vibing
8. im_only_new
9. bred_n_buta
10. pray1ng

Players in group not on hiscores (17):
1. Budget Main
2. Ch Ur
3. Magic Tshirt
4. No Ur Asleep
5. Rng Sucker
6. Tree Hug 55
7. Ulti Rng
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