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Create competition from Candor PvM
Current Top for Candor PvM
Records for Candor PvM

Group ID: 31622
Total names in group: 92
Total names in database: 52
Total datapoints: 36,199
Total efficient time played: 69,018 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 52
Average virtual total level: 2,149
Average virtual combat level: 130.04
Total XP: 22,570,489,809
Total XP gained today: 819,745
Total XP gained this week: 5,418,285
Total XP gained this month: 101,106,357

Average XP of each player:
434,047,880 xp
22,016,746 xp (lvl 104)
19,752,124 xp (lvl 103)
48,056,976 xp (lvl 112)
56,082,974 xp (lvl 113)
52,180,193 xp (lvl 113)
9,530,260 xp (lvl 95)
26,523,178 xp (lvl 106)
24,108,714 xp (lvl 105)
17,975,004 xp (lvl 102)
13,380,667 xp (lvl 99)
9,758,352 xp (lvl 96)
12,123,842 xp (lvl 98)
11,511,470 xp (lvl 97)
8,456,215 xp (lvl 94)
9,182,682 xp (lvl 95)
10,611,621 xp (lvl 96)
8,263,365 xp (lvl 94)
10,275,543 xp (lvl 96)
16,205,624 xp (lvl 101)
22,247,242 xp (lvl 104)
8,151,667 xp (lvl 94)
9,240,142 xp (lvl 95)
8,387,333 xp (lvl 94)

Players in group (92):
1. White Gelato
2. Asukalangely
3. 6th February
4. Simmondz
5. Firko
6. Bekkie
7. Satisfier
8. Off Balance
9. Kyill
10. F R A T
11. I Bjeurn I
12. Pentum
13. Zinqk
14. Wonkas Willy
15. 1 Kc 1 Pet
16. Stonerling
17. Gsuz
18. Sir Peg
19. Chronic Os
20. Bigschmuck
21. Stonesoul15
22. Rhoss
23. I Am Naabe
24. Salty Scythe
25. Sintkloesoe
26. Del4no
27. Kingaroo
28. 3ragesave
29. Shamnet
30. Nixue
31. Iris
32. Koitere Ii
33. Yzysply
34. S Zacharias
35. Themasterx5
36. 0waffle
37. Doginvarrock
38. Iron Bjd
39. Scringo
40. Ralphie3
41. Solo X Jonah
42. Balistorrami
43. Strefi
44. Flyhouse
45. Mr Baitor
46. Mightydredd
47. Yannickh
48. Reda
49. Howaitingo
50. Hooneey
51. Longed
52. Gergory
53. Steffinio
54. Beastluke
55. Thats To Bad
56. Flame Curry
57. Boss Eraser
58. Gnomerelated
59. Wxrks
60. Q Bj
61. Olmethll
62. Net Citizen
63. 7ckngnoob
64. Syn Wraith
65. Pkerdude559
66. Blackatlasss
67. Wss
68. Sheeshlor
69. El Jayce
70. Rightthisway
71. Mobwave
72. Bakedxtoast9
73. Lotic
74. Vernaltdevil
75. Dungeon Lvls
76. Mr Triggerd
77. T A R F
78. Quemador
79. Z Ion
80. Twisted Joon
81. Jake Btw
82. Nicknao
83. Babajasco
84. Shnugz
85. Madbrills
86. Stefan De G
87. 4leafciover
88. Mr Scrubbles
89. Flexxc
90. Kloefklapper
91. D A
92. Kip W

Players in group not in database (14):
1. satisfier
2. i_bjeurn_i
3. zinqk
4. yzysply
5. s_zacharias
6. steffinio
7. beastluke
8. gnomerelated
9. olmethll
10. pkerdude559
11. blackatlasss
12. el_jayce
13. shnugz
14. 4leafciover

Players in group not on hiscores (40):
1. Boss Eraser
2. Del4no
3. Doginvarrock
4. D A
5. Flame Curry
6. F R A T
7. Gsuz
8. Hooneey
9. Howaitingo
10. I Am Naabe
11. Kingaroo
12. Kloefklapper
13. Longed
14. Lotic
15. Madbrills
16. Mr Triggerd
17. Net Citizen
18. Q Bj
19. Salty Scythe
20. Sintkloesoe
21. Solo X Jonah
22. Thats To Bad
23. Themasterx5
24. Wonkas Willy
25. Wss
26. Wxrks
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