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Create competition from Freeknights Quarantine Start Apr 2020
Current Top for Freeknights Quarantine Start Apr 2020
Records for Freeknights Quarantine Start Apr 2020

Group ID: 29872
Total names in group: 149
Total names in database: 90
Total datapoints: 46,787
Total efficient time played: 77,517 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 90
Average virtual total level: 1,925
Average virtual combat level: 114.67
Total XP: 21,628,907,649
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 506,073
Total XP gained this month: 60,720,864

Average XP of each player:
237,680,303 xp
14,442,242 xp (lvl 100)
12,595,594 xp (lvl 98)
17,935,391 xp (lvl 102)
26,819,195 xp (lvl 106)
24,488,018 xp (lvl 105)
7,391,875 xp (lvl 93)
13,625,395 xp (lvl 99)
12,249,350 xp (lvl 98)
8,742,669 xp (lvl 94)
8,142,650 xp (lvl 94)
7,099,804 xp (lvl 92)
7,665,081 xp (lvl 93)
7,912,117 xp (lvl 93)
5,880,717 xp (lvl 90)
6,549,119 xp (lvl 92)
6,316,370 xp (lvl 91)
5,113,047 xp (lvl 89)
6,412,098 xp (lvl 91)
11,658,368 xp (lvl 97)
10,978,155 xp (lvl 97)
4,634,045 xp (lvl 88)
5,342,520 xp (lvl 89)
5,565,095 xp (lvl 90)

Players in group (149):
1. Berettapwnge
2. Beuhr
3. King Jase
4. Miaminights
5. Prince Jase
6. So Brave
7. Bartoast
8. Flexing Frog
9. Meaty Hen
10. Super Shen
11. Talloak420
12. Andiea
13. Bonfire15
14. Mini Vikings
15. Pr Waverider
16. Raphuccino
17. Samo
18. A Fury Kiwi
19. Alogcutter
20. Berem
21. Bigjeruu
22. Blazekin
23. Bopy
24. Bronze5 Main
25. Clovaknights
26. Exalted One
27. Exileess
28. Fluffer90
29. Ganze
30. Hired Gun
31. Holy Sync
32. Icy Basalt
33. Ironskaro
34. Jeff8792
35. Killa Cam
36. Kiwibank
37. Krystalclear
38. Lil Bizig
39. Lil Row Boat
40. Lizardking65
41. Luminaughty
42. Madammaddie
43. Mountweather
44. Peny Wise
45. Petsbtw
46. Plevah
47. Protagg
48. Reaperkiller
49. Sad Queen
50. Sly Steeler
51. Soloosrs
52. St26
53. Tame The Fro
54. Target120
55. Tit Tee
56. Tp Zelda Guy
57. Uwu Chann
58. Warhawkkvj
59. Whitehaven81
60. Xp Slave2
61. Zblu
62. Adam Usa
63. Alone Event
64. Atvrider2011
65. Baldyak
66. Bamf Bud
67. Beast Guard
68. Braverius
69. Chevyownz
70. Dr Cheekclap
71. Frysinger
72. Fuzzynerfgun
73. Herblore Irl
74. Ichug Nyquil
75. Irbi
76. Jairon
77. Kenn0175
78. Lilly Law
79. Lisadiva
80. Lone Wolf 96
81. Mizzet
82. Nah Cba
83. Nanport
84. Piazzik
85. Purrple
86. Rahdyxc
87. Ruby Pinch
88. Shady Finn
89. Sir Magica
90. Sir Spiller
91. Truclick
92. Trxp Misery
93. Visiononeten
94. 0 N Y X U S
95. Bcbudman420
96. Brodozr
97. Buln
98. Cardioguy
99. Chefs
100. Chilo Guy
101. Collin
102. Dankohzee
103. Fiddlebog
104. Gordfather
105. H H I C
106. Icedragonrs
107. Iismokedyou
108. Jinxedhero
109. Jonathast1c
110. Joshiebutt
111. Josiahs
112. Jugghernott
113. M Enthol
114. Mental Pvmer
115. Rk
116. Romeu
117. Ryanjohna11
118. Sao Panda
119. Senortrout
120. Shock Wave30
121. Snakebytes
122. Souleatyou
123. Spicedmice
124. Strfriedrice
125. Tender
126. Tibby Kun
127. Tommystitan
128. Wh1sk3y Tx
129. X D N U B
130. Abitwent Tin
131. Abriel
132. Ariyah
133. Bits Init
134. Buffin
135. Dame Ari
136. Drunk Brizzy
137. Famuel
138. Ghostnostake
139. Horizo N
140. Iron Vndetta
141. M0lon Lab3
142. Meltman
143. Minivikings
144. Supershen
145. The Basket
146. Vforvndetta
147. Going Gh0st
148. Diedsierra
149. Echo Justice

Players in group not in database (24):
1. lizardking65
2. madammaddie
3. reaperkiller
4. warhawkkvj
5. adam_usa
6. fuzzynerfgun
7. lisadiva
8. sir_magica
9. trxp_misery
10. brodozr
11. cardioguy
12. dankohzee
13. fiddlebog
14. h_h_i_c
15. joshiebutt
16. jugghernott
17. m_enthol
18. ryanjohna11
19. sao_panda
20. shock_wave30
21. spicedmice
22. tommystitan
23. wh1sk3y_tx
24. x_d_n_u_b

Players in group not on hiscores (59):
1. Abitwent Tin
2. Alogcutter
3. Alone Event
4. Andiea
5. Bartoast
6. Chilo Guy
7. Famuel
8. Icedragonrs
9. Ichug Nyquil
10. Iismokedyou
11. Jinxedhero
12. Jonathast1c
13. Josiahs
14. Kenn0175
15. Luminaughty
16. M0lon Lab3
17. Meaty Hen
18. Mizzet
19. Mountweather
20. Nah Cba
21. Plevah
22. Pr Waverider
23. Rahdyxc
24. Raphuccino
25. Sad Queen
26. Senortrout
27. Snakebytes
28. Soloosrs
29. Souleatyou
30. Super Shen
31. Target120
32. Tibby Kun
33. Uwu Chann
34. Whitehaven81
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