Create competition from S6 RSCurrent Top for S6 RS
Records for S6 RS
Group ID: 27922
Total names in group: 6
Total names in database: 3
Total datapoints: 347
Total efficient time played: 1,132 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 3
Average virtual total level: 1,789
Average virtual combat level: 111
Total XP: 266,313,620
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0
Average XP of each player:
88,771,206 xp
6,063,486 xp (lvl 91)
5,944,608 xp (lvl 91)
8,454,311 xp (lvl 94)
12,878,936 xp (lvl 98)
13,190,334 xp (lvl 99)
1,405,090 xp (lvl 76)
5,877,455 xp (lvl 90)
2,663,354 xp (lvl 82)
4,907,073 xp (lvl 89)
1,340,878 xp (lvl 76)
996,867 xp (lvl 73)
904,606 xp (lvl 72)
1,406,581 xp (lvl 76)
805,468 xp (lvl 70)
2,135,487 xp (lvl 80)
1,631,372 xp (lvl 78)
1,087,802 xp (lvl 73)
605,524 xp (lvl 68)
6,211,915 xp (lvl 91)
7,020,525 xp (lvl 92)
699,451 xp (lvl 69)
972,311 xp (lvl 72)
1,567,764 xp (lvl 77)
Players in group (6):
1. Arthurgram
2. Goofcon
3. Bobby Lash7
4. 0114
5. Camp Hydra
6. Fo77y
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (3):
1. Bobby Lash7
2. Camp Hydra
3. Goofcon
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