Create competition from Mudkip s SotwCurrent Top for Mudkip s Sotw
Records for Mudkip s Sotw
Group ID: 21227
Total names in group: 255
Total names in database: 174
Total datapoints: 184,571
Total efficient time played: 204,223 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 174
Average virtual total level: 2,000
Average virtual combat level: 113.05
Total XP: 55,520,192,914
Total XP gained today: 320,340
Total XP gained this week: 16,414,026
Total XP gained this month: 150,142,766
Average XP of each player:
319,081,568 xp
13,854,029 xp (lvl 99)
12,060,992 xp (lvl 98)
21,876,996 xp (lvl 104)
26,992,446 xp (lvl 106)
23,494,369 xp (lvl 104)
8,461,629 xp (lvl 94)
15,271,801 xp (lvl 100)
26,001,707 xp (lvl 105)
16,211,035 xp (lvl 101)
11,175,323 xp (lvl 97)
11,157,229 xp (lvl 97)
14,619,821 xp (lvl 100)
10,965,101 xp (lvl 97)
10,313,723 xp (lvl 96)
10,620,763 xp (lvl 96)
9,146,541 xp (lvl 95)
9,894,392 xp (lvl 96)
11,488,027 xp (lvl 97)
11,616,270 xp (lvl 97)
15,325,739 xp (lvl 100)
9,036,555 xp (lvl 95)
11,046,095 xp (lvl 97)
8,398,327 xp (lvl 94)
Players in group (255):
1. Dr4g0nk1ng
2. Joe Qing
3. Joe Kester
4. Dtft
5. Im Lotad
6. Spookdog
7. Crow653
8. Antiixd
9. Henrysharoop
10. Tfc 1991
11. Sw1ftshadowz
12. Bartstvevo
13. Mining Mana
14. Lam E
15. Fighu
16. Papa Pasty
17. Depressedbtw
18. Nurdawg
19. Metacogalt
20. Xan Osrs
21. Zanacross
22. Red Hippo
23. Red Is Hard
24. Aliceandbob
25. Ronny Raygun
26. Itokuro
27. Ronaldreagan
28. Zamorakbrews
29. Thouexalted
30. Tv Girls
31. Nekrasova
32. 200bpm
33. Squintyninja
34. Microtah
35. Xhaser
36. Animus Law
37. Theynika
38. Kurotei
39. Wodg
40. Hic142
41. Ironbricc
42. Xadathegreat
43. Populare
44. Volvo 240
45. Folk Bear
46. Mr Was Up
47. Marksmansam
48. Nagatoyuki
49. Dimzles
50. Alfonsokhan
51. Hexla
52. Sabfas
53. Hhrocker
54. Deef Keef
55. Ye Yikes Ye
56. Jeepson98
57. Im A Recluse
58. Funzip
59. Bloodnard
60. Hotpea
61. Radeo
62. Spray X
63. Eggaroonie
64. B Earist
65. Profit Drago
66. Mere Human
67. Allisun
68. Uni1qu3
69. Mauler4500
70. Siralwright
71. Mydlong
72. Tarkan2200
73. Pure Monk216
74. Shanahan67
75. Sibling
76. Bopster
77. Darkxiphles9
78. Xboeboe
79. See It All
80. Btwtrademe
81. Cow Are Dice
82. Theking712
83. Killeris152
84. Oldschoolrs
85. Fioskal
86. Runebri
87. Flundy
88. Awesome123pp
89. Monotok
90. Iesope
91. The Cat Dog
92. Kailied
93. G Racefu L
94. Erinari74
95. Hop Kidd
96. Ox Brutal
97. Liney
98. Liney Btw
99. Sh0rty
100. Theredmentv
101. Slickwin
102. Pvm Harry
103. Mcevan
104. Intersy
105. Jqe
106. Call Me Bash
107. Steague
108. Doglover7004
109. Galrentv
110. Jvh
111. Manjimutt
112. 100superjump
113. Zacxion
114. Runebtw
115. Nickjoefury2
116. Grantsalad
117. La Frontera
118. Lordsherman
119. Pumba Bot
120. Bootyters
121. Pacothegint
122. Mudkip
123. Fuchsig
124. Lobot96
125. Crowo653
126. Unkmu
127. Midateteete
128. W X L F
129. Garlaw
130. Punrealistic
131. Cake Takers
132. Sir Rebral P
133. Skranzii
134. Foxphorus
135. Impactrs
136. Mintmew
137. Slang733
138. Futurerealm3
139. Leowonard
140. Badger060
141. Im Not Mono
142. Wo L F
143. War235
144. Thedotard
145. Gogeta
146. Zphenickzs
147. Meirerkek
148. Bownerator
149. White Snelm
150. B2bowl
151. Smoking Aces
152. Incomingbeef
153. Eun Neukdae
154. Uim Dr4g0n
155. Ailwyn5
156. Zwabby
157. Fixifried
158. Gooberment
159. Azerbatron
160. Rockmicymous
161. Suzuky
162. Off Road
163. Dynamic Host
164. Fluxno
165. 13 Sturgeon
166. Orangeflare2
167. Ailhay Btw
168. Pepsipowars
169. Autism Antii
170. Moon2doit
171. Im Beyer
172. Hcroulette
173. Forgotmyloot
174. Buried Mole
175. Adamkthou
176. Joemiser
177. Hand Is Gf
178. Coldyelfir
179. Nex Divus
180. Archx
181. Birdhere
182. Wet Turtle22
183. Sailor Nami
184. Fatty43
185. Lovsaphira9
186. Iron Deefer
187. Orca Iii
188. Nerdframe
189. Faustasypp
190. Nightking 76
191. A Wolf Furry
192. Shiftry275
193. Zolow Boegh
194. Mastrbubble
195. Herbiboi
196. Wiz Is Alt
197. Wet Steak
198. Titaniumsoul
199. Bumbleprim3
200. Tinnster
201. Miseria
202. Big Gay Ig
203. Femdelphine
204. Famwell
205. Teddii Bear
206. Fu Ji
207. Karilsfrog
208. Earth1ing
209. Lt Reee Btw
210. Jymypotti
211. 14yroldskill
212. Wybert
213. Leaninn
214. Rudin
215. Chatlocked
216. Brekky Lines
217. Xhcra
218. Thisaint Wow
219. Soy Tacos
220. Tandumb
221. Wool Socks
222. Ailhay
223. Suikmakto
224. Ven0m Osrs
225. Paaants
226. Bautje3
227. Zboiizammy
228. Hop3loos
229. Try The Wiki
230. Z A U L T
231. D 0 U G
232. Docspreadem
233. Marktoast
234. Bedwoods
235. S Ebbe
236. Potatohime
237. Lord Pav23
238. Dougs Alt
239. 1puffwonder
240. Hc Sh0rty
241. Inquisitor T
242. Toeconsumer
243. Fap 2 Nieve
244. Snow Bush
245. Little Pav
246. Do Melee
247. Alhy
248. Sixtynine73
249. Sojraal
250. Mightybasel
251. Bowneraitor
252. Klosettkaffi
253. Nuclear E
254. Nomskichoo
255. Lady Spooks
Players in group not in database (2):
1. im_lotad
2. ronny_raygun
Players in group not on hiscores (81):
1. 14yroldskill
2. 200bpm
3. Adamkthou
4. Ailhay Btw
5. Animus Law
6. A Wolf Furry
7. B2bowl
8. Bautje3
9. Birdhere
10. Bowneraitor
11. Brekky Lines
12. B Earist
13. Call Me Bash
14. Chatlocked
15. Dougs Alt
16. Fatty43
17. Faustasypp
18. Fixifried
19. Fluxno
20. Folk Bear
21. G Racefu L
22. Hcroulette
23. Hc Sh0rty
24. Henrysharoop
25. Herbiboi
26. Hop3loos
27. Impactrs
28. Im A Recluse
29. Im Beyer
30. Im Not Mono
31. Incomingbeef
32. Inquisitor T
33. Intersy
34. Ironbricc
35. Kurotei
36. Lady Spooks
37. Leaninn
38. Leowonard
39. Liney Btw
40. Lt Reee Btw
41. Marksmansam
42. Mastrbubble
43. Meirerkek
44. Mere Human
45. Midateteete
46. Mightybasel
47. Moon2doit
48. Mydlong
49. Nekrasova
50. Nickjoefury2
51. Nomskichoo
52. Orangeflare2
53. Ox Brutal
54. Paaants
55. Punrealistic
56. See It All
57. Shiftry275
58. Siralwright
59. Snow Bush
60. Sojraal
61. Soy Tacos
62. Squintyninja
63. Steague
64. Suikmakto
65. Tandumb
66. The Cat Dog
67. Thisaint Wow
68. Thouexalted
69. Tinnster
70. Ven0m Osrs
71. Volvo 240
72. Wet Steak
73. Wet Turtle22
74. White Snelm
75. Wiz Is Alt
76. Zanacross
77. Zolow Boegh
78. Zphenickzs
79. Z A U L T
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