Total Buyable XP for The Final Stand on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
Prayer XP + Firemaking XP + Crafting XP + Herblore XP + Farming XP + Construction XPPrayer XP * 10.72 + Firemaking XP * 3.61 + Crafting XP * 2.75 +
Herblore XP * 3.00 + Farming XP * 6.44 + Construction XP * 15.09
XP | Cost | |
1. Enrich | 108,646,547 xp | 649,048,246 gp |
2. Eluw | 95,908,513 xp | 629,583,068 gp |
3. Pink Eye | 89,144,802 xp | 600,599,572 gp |
4. Trani | 11,387,985 xp | 79,002,090 gp |
5. Rwg | 10,043,126 xp | 69,286,722 gp |
6. Crazedmayhem | 8,140,324 xp | 47,026,939 gp |
7. Mf Andy | 7,635,060 xp | 69,341,138 gp |
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