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Create competition from Payback Pvm
Current Top for Payback Pvm
Records for Payback Pvm

Group ID: 17088
Total names in group: 225
Total names in database: 134
Total datapoints: 128,469
Total efficient time played: 151,434 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 134
Average virtual total level: 2,098
Average virtual combat level: 127.9
Total XP: 48,322,887,818
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 16,749,934
Total XP gained this month: 169,046,235

Average XP of each player:
350,165,853 xp
21,991,948 xp (lvl 104)
18,819,640 xp (lvl 102)
35,614,579 xp (lvl 109)
46,855,703 xp (lvl 111)
45,134,433 xp (lvl 111)
9,532,160 xp (lvl 95)
22,329,370 xp (lvl 104)
15,381,859 xp (lvl 100)
10,151,415 xp (lvl 96)
9,314,230 xp (lvl 95)
9,617,663 xp (lvl 95)
9,637,436 xp (lvl 95)
8,573,185 xp (lvl 94)
7,757,648 xp (lvl 93)
7,971,488 xp (lvl 94)
9,402,515 xp (lvl 95)
6,435,341 xp (lvl 91)
8,080,306 xp (lvl 94)
14,937,248 xp (lvl 100)
13,992,645 xp (lvl 99)
5,637,487 xp (lvl 90)
6,458,188 xp (lvl 91)
6,515,145 xp (lvl 91)

Players in group (225):
1. 0 U T L A W
2. 07chris
3. 1911a1
4. 3k Hours
5. A Cheeky Kil
6. A Fat Shark
7. A Freshy
8. A Joey
9. A Justin
10. A Llstar
11. A Spoon
12. Abby Dagg3r
13. Abood
14. Abuk
15. Acucumber
16. Aj10102
17. Alehoo
18. Alpha Oxe
19. Alwaesplanks
20. Amsterda M
21. Anakedwalrus
22. Att
23. Baro1234
24. Big Uzi
25. Blac Panda
26. Blackjesuz99
27. Bladezzzz
28. Bomdiggidy
29. Boreall
30. Bville23
31. Carl Son
32. Celadus24
33. Chancellor
34. Chizzy
35. Choco Salad
36. Cpt Insano
37. Creedle
38. Cricio
39. Damage Pk
40. Dark Elite
41. Dark Select
42. Dilly X2
43. Dinkerwoltz
44. Dmz
45. Donging
46. Doom4you Gf
47. Dorothy Gale
48. Draconicmeow
49. Drop Dad
50. Dry Master
51. Dyllann
52. Efficientdan
53. Engl1sh
54. Feeling Blue
55. Flikawrist
56. Fried Olmlet
57. Frika Nature
58. Gingerlad19
59. Gl Im White
60. God Buddha
61. Gods Plan Xd
62. Graardor6i6
63. Grandol
64. Grumpy Dane
65. Haalo
66. Happypittie
67. Herpito
68. Hooibal12
69. Hot Singles
70. Hunt Now
71. Husky Wolf
72. I Am Defil3d
73. I Am Zodiac
74. I I I  I
75. I Proverbs I
76. I Ruinscape
77. Ilovemakyu
78. Impapa Smurf
79. Imstrats
80. Interracial
81. Irving
82. J Hetfield
83. Jackiem00n33
84. Jarvismtl
85. Jellytamer
86. Jesuth Cwist
87. Jet Lifee
88. Jkeyy
89. Joellobzteu
90. John Deer
91. Juicy Shot
92. Jummie
93. K W
94. Karma Spy
95. Kayden Boy
96. Kefta
97. Ken Katana
98. Kenjima
99. Khal Dylan
100. Kiwirail
101. Krauser Ii
102. Kuluminat
103. Kyles Idea
104. Lakookaracha
105. Land Mine
106. Last Joris
107. Lcetea
108. Lepy
109. Lil Tek
110. Liltaz
111. Maack514
112. Magehandbtw
113. Martins 95
114. Mary Days
115. Med Dead
116. Melongrab
117. Menzel
118. Miggles
119. Mouseman298
120. Mp Insanity
121. Mr Newborn
122. My Challenge
123. Myke Lit
124. Myself 4ever
125. Nanoh
126. Naveez
127. Neuro Funk
128. Nik0g
129. No Sigil Yet
130. Nofairei
131. Nolander
132. Notorious
133. Og Kus H
134. Og Mack
135. Oleg
136. Olm Worm
137. Onyx Sf
138. Oppo
139. Orrage
140. Pandawahn
141. Panzeah
142. Paul Ski
143. Pj Jippari
144. Pollnivneach
145. Popnotsoda
146. Powerful
147. Prawn8o
148. Project V42
149. Purpl3s
150. Pvm 4 Pets
151. Pvm Beefy
152. Pvm Phone
153. Pvm Sigil
154. Pvm T1m
155. Pvm Wing
156. Pvq
157. Qrec
158. Questings
159. R 4 Ip Ii Dz
160. Reeara
161. Relicke
162. S 7 S
163. Sauna
164. Serzh
165. Shadesofgray
166. Shalafray
167. Shaman
168. Shibawubada
169. Skuiihd
170. Slayersebbe
171. Sleeplessdad
172. Sniped Irons
173. Son Of Samm
174. Sovietpushen
175. Spencer Mf H
176. Spoooookie
177. Stackedbyolm
178. Suojalasit
179. Super Billig
180. Svend Sved6
181. Swordskull
182. T A X V2
183. T W L S T D
184. Tanis513
185. Tco Rikkert
186. Te Oblivion
187. Tesios
188. Tflo
189. The Maknae
190. The Mf Trap
191. The Pvm G0d
192. Tm Lvftz
193. Toximatic
194. Twerp
195. Unless
196. Until Logout
197. Uqi
198. Uqv
199. Uranus
200. V E X X
201. Varis Nba
202. Vibin
203. W W
204. Weboty
205. With3r Away
206. Wizzkhalifa
207. Wlnning
208. X Slay X
209. Xga Jake
210. Xrsalaan
211. Zillez
212. Zombhe
213. Zoro San
214. Zynoix
215. Lord Sinbad
216. Splinta
217. Ork Trooper
218. Purple Raze
219. Purpletbh
220. Purplepeachh
221. Purpletype Z
222. Marshyy
223. Pb And Slay
224. Vonbambam
225. Frence

Players in group not in database (14):
1. 1911a1
2. a_fat_shark
3. alwaesplanks
4. blac_panda
5. carl_son
6. efficientdan
7. j_hetfield
8. ken_katana
9. no_sigil_yet
10. pandawahn
11. reeara
12. shalafray
13. the_pvm_g0d
14. xrsalaan

Players in group not on hiscores (91):
1. 3k Hours
2. Abby Dagg3r
3. Amsterda M
4. Anakedwalrus
5. A Freshy
6. A Joey
7. Bladezzzz
8. Cpt Insano
9. Damage Pk
10. Dark Elite
11. Dinkerwoltz
12. Donging
13. Doom4you Gf
14. Dry Master
15. Frika Nature
16. Gods Plan Xd
17. Graardor6i6
18. Grandol
19. Hunt Now
20. Impapa Smurf
21. Interracial
22. I Proverbs I
23. Jackiem00n33
24. Jarvismtl
25. Jesuth Cwist
26. Kenjima
27. Kuluminat
28. Kyles Idea
29. Last Joris
30. Lord Sinbad
31. Maack514
32. Magehandbtw
33. Martins 95
34. Med Dead
35. Menzel
36. Mouseman298
37. Mp Insanity
38. Mr Newborn
39. Nik0g
40. Onyx Sf
41. Ork Trooper
42. Orrage
43. Panzeah
44. Prawn8o
45. Project V42
46. Purplepeachh
47. Purpletbh
48. Purpletype Z
49. Purple Raze
50. Pvm Beefy
51. Pvm Phone
52. Pvm Sigil
53. Pvm T1m
54. Pvm Wing
55. Qrec
56. R 4 Ip Ii Dz
57. Shibawubada
58. Sniped Irons
59. Sovietpushen
60. Stackedbyolm
61. Suojalasit
62. Svend Sved6
63. S 7 S
64. Tanis513
65. Tco Rikkert
66. Te Oblivion
67. The Maknae
68. The Mf Trap
69. T A X V2
70. T W L S T D
71. Varis Nba
72. Vonbambam
73. With3r Away
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