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Total Gathering XP for Revolatic CC on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Woodcutting XP + Fishing XP + Mining XP + Hunter XP

1. Narrative380,768,587
2. Lorithean92,640,348
3. Enjoy It90,055,366
4. Cat Patrol88,754,113
5. Bootsjunge87,462,805
6. Angoose77,609,775
7. Scapin76,776,735
8. J D N70,722,728
9. Headwipe70,142,509
10. Yugsdrawkcab67,237,376
11. Runfatboy64,465,257
12. Xnanoghostx57,751,493
13. Medekos55,037,830
14. Irisia53,084,109
15. T Hawk51,382,249
16. El Saint50,568,795
17. Deggra50,054,834
18. Kwuarms48,792,876
19. Zaitoon43,109,524
20. Itosis42,655,011
21. D I V I N E40,067,647
22. Terryfied39,119,978
23. Dip38,046,438
24. Flyingteapot37,346,517
25. Rise Aga1nst36,113,211
26. Fujj36,061,933
27. Jilteddi34,329,005
28. Im Will31,657,005
29. Mellow Mate29,450,765
30. Vicky M23,918,637

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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