Total Gathering XP for Infinity Rs on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
Woodcutting XP + Fishing XP + Mining XP + Hunter XP181. 1x1x | 5,020,378 |
182. Gnarlygnar69 | 4,995,418 |
183. Welsh Dan | 4,807,142 |
184. Cuez | 4,761,812 |
185. Zbbew | 4,629,227 |
186. Sentically | 4,598,306 |
187. Rayzehr | 4,543,625 |
188. Sir Prized | 4,488,709 |
189. Menthol 100s | 4,484,233 |
190. Great Dragon | 4,466,994 |
191. Cook Ing | 4,429,456 |
192. Airyd | 4,357,474 |
193. Daherp | 4,315,688 |
194. Inf Snowy | 4,259,569 |
195. Evil Pacman | 4,020,410 |
196. Tolkir | 4,015,761 |
197. Ironcream69 | 3,918,689 |
198. Lemon Grove | 3,918,456 |
199. Hoysh | 3,900,937 |
200. You Bore Me | 3,888,190 |
201. Mcdada | 3,760,724 |
202. W O L V E N | 3,725,421 |
203. D C | 3,716,709 |
204. Weslee | 3,697,270 |
205. Koreanpine | 3,565,275 |
206. Lostmyspoon | 3,554,414 |
207. Celltechbro | 3,531,069 |
208. Zap Dis | 3,249,173 |
209. Cooper2437 | 3,176,808 |
210. Severfeather | 3,022,605 |
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