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Total Gathering XP for Infinity Rs on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Woodcutting XP + Fishing XP + Mining XP + Hunter XP

181. 1x1x5,020,378
182. Gnarlygnar694,995,418
183. Welsh Dan4,807,142
184. Cuez4,761,812
185. Zbbew4,629,227
186. Sentically4,598,306
187. Rayzehr4,543,625
188. Sir Prized4,488,709
189. Menthol 100s4,484,233
190. Great Dragon4,466,994
191. Cook Ing4,429,456
192. Airyd4,357,474
193. Daherp4,315,688
194. Inf Snowy4,259,569
195. Evil Pacman4,020,410
196. Tolkir4,015,761
197. Ironcream693,918,689
198. Lemon Grove3,918,456
199. Hoysh3,900,937
200. You Bore Me3,888,190
201. Mcdada3,760,724
202. W O L V E N3,725,421
203. D      C3,716,709
204. Weslee3,697,270
205. Koreanpine3,565,275
206. Lostmyspoon3,554,414
207. Celltechbro3,531,069
208. Zap Dis3,249,173
209. Cooper24373,176,808
210. Severfeather3,022,605

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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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