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Total Gathering XP for Sodality on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Woodcutting XP + Fishing XP + Mining XP + Hunter XP

1. Vomiting Cat107,267,623
2. Luxire82,028,476
3. Pohjanmaa65,128,293
4. Melbas60,348,022
5. Rikka Neko55,013,363
6. Holysanctum54,849,153
7. Lemonian40,740,124
8. Smeesh28,671,710
9. Eipam12,365,300
10. Noqah10,267,653
11. Tink8,982,699
12. Nates Legacy8,908,114
13. Flaafen8,523,455
14. Zeppelins7,363,910
15. Iron Caia6,372,863
16. Eilora5,093,687
17. Jellorax14,524,107
18. Razorwheels14,205,451
19. /r/2007scape Moderator Tru3,877,406
20. Zircot3,612,118
21. Kollmann2461,849,633
22. Nagelkaloa419,847
23. Vexia135,693

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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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