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Skill Rank Sum for testsweeping on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.

1. Spencerz170,649
2. Sleepinonice190,685
3. Anothergamer472,983
4. Qgm502,597
5. Itz Hickton552,728
6. Moowi667,383
7. Snuge727,713
8. Malibuux744,401
9. Ovaryacting774,917
10. Turso788,918
11. Warlord Sage952,412
12. Okupant1,036,657
13. Re9x1,112,214
14. Bommijn1,175,130
15. Ruhpetitive1,206,375
16. Shany1,391,893
17. Sese1,392,825
18. Peseth1,465,481
19. Tyler Stone1,503,981
20. Gnaes1,541,317
21. Toxicbropipe1,587,093
22. Mvpilie1,672,500
23. Budznbooze1,724,477
24. Arsaw1,742,712
25. Tfn1,800,882
26. Puddytangg1,827,608
27. Alex Iv1,999,837
28. Agez2,031,001
29. Penzo2,051,490
30. Rustaaaagh2,093,408

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