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Create competition from ANB Hiscores
Current Top for ANB Hiscores
Records for ANB Hiscores

Group ID: 11169
Total names in group: 112
Total names in database: 56
Total datapoints: 33,394
Total efficient time played: 41,903 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 56
Average virtual total level: 1,689
Average virtual combat level: 105.3
Total XP: 12,104,431,838
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 44,637,094

Average XP of each player:
212,358,453 xp
12,330,603 xp (lvl 98)
10,491,116 xp (lvl 96)
23,638,656 xp (lvl 105)
27,046,406 xp (lvl 106)
23,403,722 xp (lvl 104)
6,205,966 xp (lvl 91)
13,991,495 xp (lvl 99)
8,524,056 xp (lvl 94)
6,576,063 xp (lvl 92)
7,106,924 xp (lvl 92)
6,484,094 xp (lvl 91)
5,794,732 xp (lvl 90)
6,152,001 xp (lvl 91)
4,591,672 xp (lvl 88)
5,078,258 xp (lvl 89)
5,487,335 xp (lvl 90)
4,287,982 xp (lvl 87)
5,185,985 xp (lvl 89)
9,561,074 xp (lvl 95)
7,743,232 xp (lvl 93)
4,196,026 xp (lvl 87)
4,327,673 xp (lvl 87)
4,121,602 xp (lvl 87)

Players in group (112):
1. 9 Arm Feast
2. Alice Marcus
3. Anb Lykos
4. Archensphere
5. Aredom
6. B Ballinn
7. Ballinn
8. Bella Cullen
9. Bellerin
10. Bloodvayne85
11. Boatosi
12. Bowengilbert
13. Bryan M
14. Buttstuff
15. Calebman
16. Chadman
17. Dallas Irl
18. Dank Shank
19. Deadicat1on
20. Dlt
21. Dylansim1992
22. Father Kyle
23. Fe England
24. Free Ale
25. Gannicus
26. Grain Sack
27. Grands Alt
28. Grands Pk
29. Gray Wolf16
30. Hc Josh4real
31. Homegrown3
32. Icebox319
33. Iron Amidala
34. Iron Kill
35. Iron Skullfk
36. Jote
37. Killerfox
38. Lady Bamf
39. Looseyx
40. Lord Hadrian
41. Lord M
42. Lord M2
43. Lucky Arrow
44. Mike Burry
45. Morsins
46. Mossad
47. Mrs Lillymay
48. Neesy
49. Nick Vl
50. Nievedid911
51. Nopix
52. Ocean Kraken
53. One Madness
54. Pmn
55. Pogchampss
56. Pptouchmeplz
57. Puresily
58. Ragnar Bamf
59. Relyks
60. Reziziken
61. Rhino 1483
62. Rump Kicker
63. Shabak
64. Shook One
65. Sieraki
66. Skullfkdnex
67. Theocles
68. The Pvm Guru
69. Twinked
70. Vegan
71. Um Tinderbox
72. Vindobona
73. Wartortie
74. Wetlettuce
75. Xbarrage
76. Zyrinth
77. Cain Bamf
78. Dan Anb
79. Geni
80. John Bruv
81. Immurdabeatz
82. Shayetet13
83. Scuffed Raid
84. Rng Pls Ty
85. Bear Jake
86. God Of Life
87. Botchinspls
88. Kiritotpk
89. Can We Duo
90. Mini Koala
91. Ferrum Lykos
92. 1234taken
93. Anpup
94. Lettheberock
95. Lidvis
96. Sacrificium
97. Morada
98. Xl2provail
99. Rip Paxton B
100. Jedi Vl
101. East Wind
102. Blitzzkikker
103. Father Josh
104. Aus Dyl
105. Pvm Phone
106. Spacey Cake
107. Forcedtosolo
108. Remiiix
109. Anb Wizard
110. Marshyy
111. Earthless
112. Maxed Beast

Players in group not in database (3):
1. archensphere
2. hc_josh4real
3. sieraki

Players in group not on hiscores (56):
1. 1234taken
2. Alice Marcus
3. Anb Wizard
4. Anpup
5. Aredom
6. Aus Dyl
7. Blitzzkikker
8. Botchinspls
9. B Ballinn
10. Cain Bamf
11. Calebman
12. Can We Duo
13. Dank Shank
14. Dan Anb
15. Deadicat1on
16. Dylansim1992
17. Father Josh
18. Father Kyle
19. Ferrum Lykos
20. Fe England
21. Forcedtosolo
22. Grands Alt
23. Icebox319
24. Immurdabeatz
25. Iron Amidala
26. Jedi Vl
27. John Bruv
28. Kiritotpk
29. Lady Bamf
30. Lettheberock
31. Lidvis
32. Looseyx
33. Lord M
34. Lord M2
35. Maxed Beast
36. Mini Koala
37. Mossad
38. Mrs Lillymay
39. Neesy
40. Nick Vl
41. Nopix
42. Ocean Kraken
43. Pmn
44. Pogchampss
45. Pvm Phone
46. Rng Pls Ty
47. Shabak
48. Spacey Cake
49. Um Tinderbox
50. Wetlettuce
51. Xbarrage
52. Xl2provail
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