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Total XP on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

1. Iron Hyger4,600,000,000
2. Dkho4,600,000,000
3. 5th Hcim Lul4,600,000,000
4. $41.00 Donator Tails4,531,421,908
5. Steskillalt4,451,362,948
6. City Morgue4,408,220,162
7. Farmer Mcgee4,314,892,254
8. $105.00 Donator dids 4,305,120,325
9. Wzrdddddyo4,254,030,276
10. Zeken4,068,138,429
11. $35.00 Donator ErBr4,061,446,647
12. Padq3,879,247,072
13. Redo Undo3,555,077,240
14. Fe Papi3,543,948,589
15. Glys3,478,580,389
16. Number1 Bass3,303,741,658
17. Hex Mega3,151,307,325
18. Wooooo913,135,870,185
19. Lydia Kenney3,059,112,100
20. Gibbed3,039,281,853
21. Neurron3,033,526,821
22. $35.00 Donator Fat Clouds2,860,294,003
23. Iron Equity2,853,401,575
24. $35.00 Donator Naturally Me2,672,832,494
25. Rubberapple2,591,044,869
26. Jyhy2,559,160,537
27. Andhra2,522,818,653
28. Fjomp2,500,888,291
29. Uim Paperbag2,500,000,000
30. Rakupenda2,485,545,165

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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