Skill Rank Sum excluding Bc CC on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.151. Lijk | 57,998 |
152. Kyill | 59,212 |
153. Im Ash | 62,324 |
154. Oponn | 62,941 |
155. X Mars | 63,276 |
156. Foesum | 63,765 |
157. Flakey | 63,910 |
158. Hampus | 64,339 |
159. Juhhu | 64,346 |
160. Antipixel | 64,650 |
161. Cajun Fries | 64,741 |
162. Shoarma | 65,534 |
163. Pot Often | 66,091 |
164. Surullista | 66,588 |
165. Tabbycat97 | 66,786 |
166. Lean | 67,471 |
167. Frank White | 67,744 |
168. Folk169 | 68,942 |
169. H D M P | 69,327 |
170. Fong | 69,768 |
171. Dd 214 | 69,974 |
172. Snek Killa69 | 70,449 |
173. Slay More | 70,844 |
174. Questarila | 72,072 |
175. Xerics Solo | 72,848 |
176. Goodfight | 72,992 |
177. Siptar | 73,439 |
178. Indian | 74,378 |
179. C A R Lo | 74,395 |
180. Melisma | 74,488 |