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Total XP for Infinityosrs Official Roster on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

101. Knightmare4884,505,819
102. Oakplank82,701,241
103. Imkyle82,597,322
104. Free Ale82,466,714
105. Muzz Tyme81,978,267
106. Sm0k3m30ut81,420,362
107. Bakedxtoast971,968,707
108. Zrevan57,445,174
109. Inf Juke56,324,556
110. Drunkstoner52,122,962
111. Inf Rs51,047,428
112. Crikey49,575,395
113. Tiva47,463,380
114. Sirzalka40,101,207
115. Inf Jenova39,808,152
116. Cool A35,228,761
117. Bowengilbert30,736,290
118. J Wax27,307,193
119. Im Kross26,885,623
120. Micmicmic6025,133,667
121. A Clown24,571,639
122. Dy3hard23,301,386
123. Das Akrilo22,667,744
124. Shrimpwonton22,136,911
125. Strickery19,622,456
126. Inf Zeus19,282,530
127. T1mbow15,760,780
128. Jordyvhlb11,022,770
129. Zwervers10,809,519
130. Metz110,368,664
131. Oh Nelly9,093,305
132. Bake Scape8,748,937
133. Zadddy5,610,676
134. Waterie5,122,774
135. 6b Panorama4,730,968
136. Go Forth3,072,604
137. Ragnar Bamf2,173,863
138. Shain1,674,530
139. Icyfire1,316,587
140. Amaru1,237,875
141. Xtazy1,227,328
142. Yelruh1,147,079
143. Nurse Hat816,577
144. Inf Matthew577,470

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