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Total XP for Infinityosrs Official Roster on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

1. Pso Pokie1,421,003,196
2. Sozan972,556,069
3. Demon Matrix846,987,903
4. No Rugrats810,087,475
5. $5.00 Donator Japoolie647,364,705
6. Bruh Im Hard560,210,725
7. Robjon7558,588,221
8. Inf C4544,892,735
9. Peter97489,866,253
10. Pricos487,321,966
11. Mage Fool478,937,420
12. Fkinrightbud453,244,709
13. Arsi419,684,797
14. Smai401,320,389
15. Patchie396,523,213
16. Falldyl392,661,737
17. Brb Drugs389,369,013
18. Inf Skater370,303,802
19. Conraw362,840,003
20. Pr Es356,729,396
21. Mcpancake354,887,208
22. Serbitar346,532,528
23. Cloud Scapes346,075,115
24. R1chmond342,646,748
25. Blakeypoo336,982,250
26. Dan Eh325,946,329
27. Waves Crash323,920,549
28. Fangblast313,630,648
29. Slammed Gang313,076,424
30. Womblesenpai294,147,425
31. Soul Steal34289,192,873
32. Yo Soy Dios283,207,744
33. Zouma277,345,388
34. Seizure Ares273,934,076
35. Xaddictive251,780,360
36. Purplestain250,566,342
37. A8l245,055,428
38. Datlouie238,598,517
39. Santaklawz229,339,488
40. Ihateprayer228,864,684
41. I Desire God228,075,344
42. Dupz223,960,506
43. Drafting223,602,515
44. Robut221,105,920
45. God Of Life219,173,467
46. Gray Fish219,132,080
47. Buttstuff214,901,068
48. Lumpy Water214,194,316
49. Hydrobud211,679,784
50. Armanii211,555,255

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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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