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Total Melee XP for testsweeping on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Attack XP + Strength XP + Defence XP

1. Warlord Sage464,664,437  (200,000,000 + 200,000,000 + 64,664,437)
2. Sleepinonice456,109,952  (200,000,000 + 56,109,952 + 200,000,000)
3. Anothergamer278,219,080  (42,392,221 + 196,228,484 + 39,598,375)
4. Moowi267,553,164  (42,957,074 + 200,000,000 + 24,596,090)
5. Okupant211,288,919  (40,310,399 + 124,404,203 + 46,574,317)
6. Gnaes206,106,312  (28,964,739 + 143,391,404 + 33,750,169)
7. Og Kus H201,818,618  (49,794,610 + 113,431,982 + 38,592,026)
8. Spencerz198,063,119  (57,499,474 + 100,348,159 + 40,215,486)
9. Ketaminiac193,715,245  (25,339,095 + 134,251,337 + 34,124,813)
10. Mizi179,676,496  (26,790,542 + 124,197,776 + 28,688,178)
11. Tyler Stone153,655,587  (53,272,515 + 53,828,534 + 46,554,538)
12. Conah141,012,724  (41,540,710 + 74,114,380 + 25,357,634)
13. Peseth128,115,331  (21,326,952 + 87,892,141 + 18,896,238)
14. Qgm119,876,865  (25,333,606 + 68,219,699 + 26,323,560)
15. Its Sinku119,698,208  (65,705,977 + 34,273,336 + 19,718,895)
16. Spedward119,008,762  (22,625,173 + 73,179,890 + 23,203,699)
17. Ovaryacting118,842,170  (29,222,048 + 51,859,586 + 37,760,536)
18. Ruhpetitive115,005,911  (31,571,746 + 60,876,040 + 22,558,125)
19. Snellejelle112,548,687  (28,778,010 + 61,768,673 + 22,002,004)
20. Bommijn109,196,474  (40,823,977 + 37,764,808 + 30,607,689)
21. Saipu107,523,103  (24,003,916 + 65,092,729 + 18,426,458)
22. Toxicbropipe107,129,379  (16,136,788 + 75,972,461 + 15,020,130)
23. Turso106,988,568  (22,264,098 + 64,771,120 + 19,953,350)
24. Jryrlr106,930,523  (27,234,079 + 55,390,822 + 24,305,622)
25. Tfn106,914,934  (45,316,682 + 41,730,862 + 19,867,390)
26. Bread Ko104,385,597  (40,455,161 + 41,122,010 + 22,808,426)
27. Tour Guide101,921,007  (22,424,341 + 58,466,183 + 21,030,483)
28. Snuge100,575,463  (31,264,790 + 46,899,990 + 22,410,683)
29. Mami Tomoe99,532,513  (30,012,383 + 41,549,164 + 27,970,966)
30. Alex Iv98,369,306  (31,472,806 + 40,174,501 + 26,721,999)
31. Agez98,143,939  (34,764,807 + 35,382,104 + 27,997,028)
32. Iaminfamous97,994,882  (16,953,813 + 58,383,568 + 22,657,501)
33. Fanta Sea94,898,817  (48,126,034 + 26,575,544 + 20,197,239)
34. Rheece94,457,169  (27,486,756 + 40,539,545 + 26,430,868)
35. Sir Norfolk193,481,614  (31,041,603 + 34,898,845 + 27,541,166)
36. Mvpilie93,070,743  (17,725,893 + 56,176,149 + 19,168,701)
37. Shany91,909,269  (34,424,657 + 34,148,384 + 23,336,228)
38. I Am Duplex90,357,633  (27,971,352 + 43,096,088 + 19,290,193)
39. Itz Hickton89,993,096  (35,127,759 + 29,767,104 + 25,098,233)
40. Sese89,899,987  (27,824,347 + 35,611,884 + 26,463,756)
41. Malibuux89,070,152  (25,696,861 + 40,602,325 + 22,770,966)
42. Ihuntie87,353,746  (14,627,885 + 50,402,717 + 22,323,144)
43. Re9x86,182,962  (17,439,934 + 45,246,323 + 23,496,705)
44. Rainbow Serp85,852,124  (34,163,554 + 30,792,892 + 20,895,678)
45. Jerry Fk83,295,089  (21,793,011 + 40,085,371 + 21,416,707)
46. Puddytangg82,498,097  (15,794,306 + 48,100,642 + 18,603,149)
47. Yeboi Zeus82,155,827  (26,908,803 + 30,140,953 + 25,106,071)
48. Dundo81,325,882  (23,617,255 + 35,185,814 + 22,522,813)
49. Arsaw79,506,578  (19,828,920 + 41,035,927 + 18,641,731)
50. Budznbooze79,276,298  (27,720,834 + 37,751,896 + 13,803,568)

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