Total Buyable XP for moonchild on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
Prayer XP + Firemaking XP + Crafting XP + Herblore XP + Farming XP + Construction XPPrayer XP * 10.72 + Firemaking XP * 3.61 + Crafting XP * 2.75 +
Herblore XP * 3.00 + Farming XP * 6.44 + Construction XP * 15.09
XP | Cost | |
1. Competition | 537,257,879 xp | 2,278,289,823 gp |
2. Kegs | 383,466,989 xp | 2,173,770,741 gp |
3. Ancient Soul | 82,483,480 xp | 562,895,258 gp |
4. Failing Hope | 80,570,362 xp | 550,668,625 gp |
5. Maiden | 69,257,203 xp | 427,272,653 gp |
6. S E N N A | 68,893,958 xp | 420,494,593 gp |
7. Pharmacy | 57,875,702 xp | 254,488,318 gp |
8. 70 Defence | 4,409,171 xp | 31,124,681 gp |
9. Playingalone | 2,421,682 xp | 12,442,386 gp |
10. Cleanedman | 2,221,775 xp | 21,946,862 gp |
11. Sober Up | 2,213,120 xp | 19,056,773 gp |
12. I Traded | 2,114,761 xp | 8,062,475 gp |
13. Net Worth | 1,376,751 xp | 5,848,650 gp |
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