Total Buyable XP for Jillip on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
Prayer XP + Firemaking XP + Crafting XP + Herblore XP + Farming XP + Construction XPPrayer XP * 10.72 + Firemaking XP * 3.61 + Crafting XP * 2.75 +
Herblore XP * 3.00 + Farming XP * 6.44 + Construction XP * 15.09
XP | Cost | |
1. Weewab | 83,965,839 xp | 578,185,885 gp |
2. Conorg | 66,857,403 xp | 384,726,793 gp |
3. Cmcl | 26,458,405 xp | 123,797,868 gp |
4. Thewarisours | 3,232,907 xp | 20,122,205 gp |
5. Bronsngilbrt | 2,728,947 xp | 17,860,887 gp |
6. Conorg2 | 2,588,184 xp | 21,105,255 gp |
7. Jordymalcs | 2,215,009 xp | 15,482,197 gp |
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