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Total Buyable XP for South Kings on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Prayer XP + Firemaking XP + Crafting XP + Herblore XP + Farming XP + Construction XP

Prayer XP * 10.72 + Firemaking XP * 3.61 + Crafting XP * 2.75 +
Herblore XP * 3.00 + Farming XP * 6.44 + Construction XP * 15.09

1. J 0 S E97,936,673 xp     327,065,806 gp
2. Maxzet97,288,447 xp     626,360,538 gp
3. Argentino00193,295,556 xp     624,265,551 gp
4. 55090,268,873 xp     605,668,596 gp
5. Killean54,494,181 xp     320,616,001 gp
6. Feedback37,573,992 xp     268,659,361 gp
7. Aixem35,803,665 xp     209,264,201 gp
8. Rolsi14,750,058 xp     94,967,953 gp
9. Kaadri13,841,910 xp     99,478,936 gp
10. Viejasloks228,069,506 xp     44,140,855 gp
11. Teo God1,851,031 xp     11,436,872 gp
12. Soulzeit1,064,059 xp     4,596,179 gp

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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