Total Gathering XP for FTP United on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
Woodcutting XP + Fishing XP + Mining XP + Hunter XP1. Asura Zoma | 65,730,393 |
2. Uncletomas | 43,722,304 |
3. Anne Shirley | 41,355,437 |
4. Detective Li | 37,205,764 |
5. Dagah | 30,427,266 |
6. Uncle Chimp | 28,905,540 |
7. Firebolt8xp | 24,508,574 |
8. Fe F2p | 24,139,982 |
9. Snooz Button | 13,740,890 |
10. 5am Grind | 13,276,595 |
11. Irgachefe | 10,331,007 |
12. Mmmoken | 7,155,552 |
13. 2seebees | 6,310,925 |
14. Freelancer | 4,891,526 |
15. Ult Blvq | 3,325,712 |
16. Mathnerdmim | 2,055,870 |
17. Spaldaddy | 2,012,215 |
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