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Virtual Total Level for Deities of PvM on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Total level as if skills were capped at 126 and did not have a level cap of 99.

1. S Spirit2,622
2. Rod Goesinya2,596
3. Player 0ne2,414
4. Steaks2,405
5. The Zephyr2,373
6. Jcale2,373
7. S O M A2,367
8. Carlinh0s2,365
9. Bommijn2,357
10. Atzz2,350
11. Latty2,347
12. K0lbi2,345
13. Dementedmaul2,344
14. King Swine2,344
15. Lwe2,341
16. T S M2,332
17. Kingpiccolo82,331
18. Bark Imafish2,326
19. R Ack2,325
20. Tach2,319
21. Assketchum2,311
22. The Hozz2,303
23. Incredulity2,302
24. Burrzerk2,300
25. Crazyn0ob2,296
26. Back Pack2,293
27. L A T U2,288
28. Ettan2,283
29. Zobock2,281
30. Shortbread2,268
31. Cempy2,260
32. James Gatz2,259
33. Tech Ag 462,245
34. Yung Cris2,241
35. Only Nico2,241
36. Twisty Fork2,239
37. Adnel2,233
38. No Spade2,228
39. Hi Alch Whip2,226
40. King C0n2,203
41. Nidd2,192
42. Bumpa2,191
43. Remember Why2,189
44. Rob Goesinya2,185
45. Infer Alex2,182
46. Rang3 Xd2,174
47. Lurendreier2,160
48. Fysa2,160
49. Elysian Plz2,159
50. The Scheffe2,159
51. Ndrs2,145
52. Bamf Bud2,144
53. Koragons2,130
54. Ltami2,124
55. Against You2,098
56. Sir Ducky2,092
57. Skippy Keg2,091
58. Mgu2,091
59. 2girls1dmace2,075
60. Her Audacity2,061
61. Mcl0vin 252,057
62. Fuhrer Gear2,054
63. Sporklift2,045
64. Broke Demon2,044
65. Claused2,036
66. Lamcan2,032
67. Neatkii B2,021
68. Voidmage2,013
69. The Sage1,992
70. Flytheguy1,983
71. Icebrrage1,941
72. Jhs20141,939
73. Garlicsizzle1,936
74. Phd In Osrs1,934
75. Pudds1,930
76. Deity Blake1,927
77. Dusty Toon1,926
78. Tice Tequila1,888
79. Revulsion1,880
80. Alliterate1,873
81. Swine Jr1,832
82. Lukerules991,820
83. Scape Savage1,782
84. N I C C C K1,759
85. Deity W0lf1,745
86. The Milk1,738
87. Nymora1,622
88. Dustinz1,544
89. Iclogtoilets1,376
90. Mskittyy554
91. Evil Dave100
92. Give Me 420k97
93. Whole Yeet96
94. Once A Hero94
95. Zoo Tycoon92

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