Time to Maxed Total for Inactive sweep until 20th may on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Players sorted by calculated time to 99 in all skills. This is based on the fastest reasonable XP rates possible for skills. You can view the experience rates used for calculating this by clicking here.

201. Cams114.6 hours (92.3%)
202. 1 Defence177.9 hours (88.1%)
203. A Whip179.0 hours (88.0%)
204. Sijmen180.9 hours (87.9%)
205. Hellplayer192.2 hours (87.1%)
206. Maush225.0 hours (85.0%)
207. Unknown Tank235.6 hours (84.2%)
208. Mightyrascus236.1 hours (84.2%)
209. Briegl Dicht262.4 hours (82.5%)
210. Scaremonger264.7 hours (82.3%)
211. Get Yeeted317.8 hours (78.7%)
212. I Joshua I342.7 hours (77.1%)
213. Sony22sony22345.0 hours (76.9%)
214. Jerryjr351.9 hours (76.5%)
215. Polukrbat360.4 hours (75.9%)
216. Zdarova377.1 hours (74.8%)
217. Hellfish388.4 hours (74.0%)
218. Rimbu395.9 hours (73.5%)
219. Sigg420.9 hours (71.8%)
220. Wumpy421.2 hours (71.8%)
221. Monnyboy426.4 hours (71.5%)
222. Keen438.6 hours (70.7%)
223. I Skulz I439.9 hours (70.6%)
224. Swig447.3 hours (70.1%)
225. Erics Pixels463.2 hours (69.0%)
226. Gains478.2 hours (68.0%)
227. Soccer523.7 hours (65.0%)
228. Mrs Budie527.2 hours (64.7%)
229. Chief Iron541.1 hours (63.8%)
230. Richiecw557.2 hours (62.7%)
231. Mylife212561.8 hours (62.4%)
232. Phy565.3 hours (62.2%)
233. Dan579.8 hours (61.2%)
234. Owens596.8 hours (60.1%)
235. Petrushka640.5 hours (57.2%)
236. Test641.4 hours (57.1%)
237. Mello Mike647.1 hours (56.7%)
238. Tomdoc14651.2 hours (56.4%)
239. Yookes667.4 hours (55.4%)
240. Purrsian679.6 hours (54.5%)
241. Disgusting682.1 hours (54.4%)
242. Yingguo686.4 hours (54.1%)
243. Norin689.0 hours (53.9%)
244. Jk Rowling695.9 hours (53.5%)
245. Pack Yack705.5 hours (52.8%)
246. Lrrl715.8 hours (52.1%)
247. $40.00 Donator Salute749.7 hours (49.9%)
248. Sixten V20796.0 hours (46.8%)
249. Kermajorma814.7 hours (45.5%)
250. Mcco826.4 hours (44.7%)
251. B2p842.5 hours (43.6%)
252. Puko903.1 hours (39.6%)
253. Petix905.8 hours (39.4%)
254. Emu909.4 hours (39.2%)
255. Nayna1,063.2 hours (28.9%)
256. Xarique1,073.4 hours (28.2%)
257. Tower1,158.8 hours (22.5%)
258. Yearmix1,192.7 hours (20.2%)
259. Ashli1,268.1 hours (15.2%)
260. Jadp0wn1,281.3 hours (14.3%)
261. Lady Hokage1,324.5 hours (11.4%)
262. Haz Y1,334.7 hours (10.7%)
263. $50.00 Donator Uim Link1,381.0 hours (7.6%)
264. Jakey X1,391.7 hours (6.9%)
265. Bossnian1,392.6 hours (6.9%)
266. I Am Done1,431.9 hours (4.2%)
267. The Mad Dan1,444.1 hours (3.4%)
268. Mr Data1,454.7 hours (2.7%)
269. Jabroni1,466.6 hours (1.9%)
270. Asheey1,494.3 hours (0.0%)
271. Coif1,495.9 hours (-0.1%)

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