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Create competition from After Dark Marim Mafia s EHP League
Current Top for After Dark Marim Mafia s EHP League
Records for After Dark Marim Mafia s EHP League

Group ID: 35614
Total names in group: 189
Total names in database: 161
Total datapoints: 59,614
Total efficient time played: 107,322 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 161
Average virtual total level: 1,701
Average virtual combat level: 102.27
Total XP: 31,089,062,011
Total XP gained today: 1,884,276
Total XP gained this week: 26,234,505
Total XP gained this month: 157,710,295

Average XP of each player:
193,099,764 xp
9,196,057 xp (lvl 95)
8,302,913 xp (lvl 94)
16,970,043 xp (lvl 101)
21,620,902 xp (lvl 104)
20,834,330 xp (lvl 103)
4,491,258 xp (lvl 88)
11,772,956 xp (lvl 97)
9,875,041 xp (lvl 96)
9,558,751 xp (lvl 95)
5,608,520 xp (lvl 90)
6,461,104 xp (lvl 91)
9,435,721 xp (lvl 95)
5,340,552 xp (lvl 89)
4,173,200 xp (lvl 87)
5,167,569 xp (lvl 89)
5,029,517 xp (lvl 89)
3,531,559 xp (lvl 85)
5,616,920 xp (lvl 90)
7,369,348 xp (lvl 93)
10,899,811 xp (lvl 97)
3,208,360 xp (lvl 84)
4,825,033 xp (lvl 88)
3,675,325 xp (lvl 86)

Players in group (189):
1. Trym
2. Joe Mclaren
3. Marim Mafia
4. Redlikedeath
5. Mazdarati
6. 1tick 2 Slow
7. Solo Mirru
8. Jedago
9. Bcnpancakes
10. Cheeky Caity
11. Guywithastik
12. Dewilishh
13. Phish Out
14. Lemonog Haze
15. Ogcookiehaze
16. Normal Gim
17. Go Pacers
18. Olds Pk
19. K Trap
20. Ironrick137
21. Cmptrgmr
22. Rj D
23. Lights Me Up
24. Fetchshockts
25. Eat Reggins
26. Bubbles71410
27. Von Jonteh
28. Miiles
29. Osrs Chr1s
30. Mrs Smithy
31. Gavdanslomo
32. Sirtoast
33. Soulburst
34. H9k6z
35. Huge Cactus
36. Dezzygod
37. Uffert
38. Fiddy Gim
39. Aunt Pug
40. K P L
41. M0et
42. The Great C5
43. Thatsneets
44. Norm Im
45. Rigardo
46. Pvm 7755
47. Beff Jezzos
48. Hey Skov
49. Noot Patrol
50. Ragedakid95
51. Mikeoxenfire
52. S Flute
53. Bagel Boss
54. Mini420nova
55. E Sl
56. Mv
57. Aramil24
58. Bigbodybush
59. Siiibeliih
60. 13reasons
61. Joebravokilo
62. Gim M W
63. Rainffall
64. Rilchmane
65. Barnvermin
66. Gim O G
67. Skyhighonra
68. Hrvrd
69. Wots Taters
70. Zebest605
71. Jegspiserpus
72. Jegspisermus
73. Wet Tick
74. Royaltoast
75. Sirdanielson
76. Leslie Fu
77. Kielbasovich
78. Gustav Is Me
79. Sui Tyan
80. 420 69 1337
81. Father Burr
82. Nosrenda
83. Nosmundo
84. R3dmako
85. Feagle
86. Barrel Chain
87. Trried
88. Ultimate Wix
89. Mainly Rj
90. Peaksnv
91. Jegspiserkuk
92. Zeworst605
93. Tzhanki
94. Jacktehpwnsu
95. Yeapzikai456
96. A Quirk
97. Luckbender
98. Cmptrgaymer
99. Carry Yak
100. 323m
101. Court463
102. Cremsalad
103. Galgamesh
104. Magnuseir
105. Panzs
106. Doksaturn3
107. Staticrhythm
108. Jymzology
109. Rilch
110. Menotbad
111. Sick Nasty69
112. Warmejupiler
113. Slick Tho
114. Cute Tho
115. Caesarboss
116. Granite88888
117. Holox
118. Ron Bearmye
119. Mmpaperboy
120. Pappy02
121. Xviplt
122. Guyyfierii
123. Sir Lambkin
124. Nastyboys
125. Toxic3dge
126. Astarsword
127. 3inchflaccy
128. Oraboros
129. 3rent
130. Biggiestaxx
131. Gi Javve
132. Ironrilch
133. Konigs Tiger
134. Purestruggle
135. Soul Nd Sins
136. X Miazga
137. Papa Crooks
138. Grimlyiron
139. Ascend Owner
140. Countchronic
141. Eldarsix
142. Muss01ini
143. Altabomb
144. Grlpp
145. Fr K
146. Eyyfel Tower
147. Thegrimwolf9
148. Nosrundo
149. Dekarma
150. Wetuu
151. Neatobandito
152. Iron Kyan
153. Mev
154. P Rone
155. Volders44
156. Brownsey
157. Farukinghell
158. Trqm
159. Dahl Daddy69
160. Killaryclin
161. Gold N Mole
162. Kplh
163. Trum
164. Trgm
165. Swallow Btw
166. Solo Rj
167. Gim 3rent
168. Youngneets
169. Imastarsword
170. Tryms
171. Eh Yew
172. Spectrumboy
173. Joe Mcbow
174. Tstheko
175. Lavabend
176. Javvebtw
177. Fadedpickaxe
178. Kplw
179. 2inchflaccy
180. Grandlotus
181. Yolo Ginger
182. Bae Su Zy
183. K P I
184. Academlc
185. Trhm
186. Eldersix
187. Kwai
188. Aqtive
189. Junior Crook

Players in group not in database (1):
1. sir_lambkin

Players in group not on hiscores (28):
1. Court463
2. Father Burr
3. Fetchshockts
4. Fiddy Gim
5. Granite88888
6. Gustav Is Me
7. Hey Skov
8. Imastarsword
9. Ironrick137
10. Ironrilch
11. Jymzology
12. Magnuseir
13. Mainly Rj
14. Marim Mafia
15. Menotbad
16. Mikeoxenfire
17. Mmpaperboy
18. Nosmundo
19. Peaksnv
20. R3dmako
21. Rilchmane
22. Sick Nasty69
23. Soul Nd Sins
24. Spectrumboy
25. Toxic3dge
26. Ultimate Wix
27. Von Jonteh
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