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Clue Scrolls (elite) Hiscores excluding e boys club on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

League Points   -   Bounty Hunter - Hunter   -   Bounty Hunter - Rogue   -  
Clue Scrolls (all)   -   Clue Scrolls (beginner)   -   Clue Scrolls (easy)   -  
Clue Scrolls (medium)   -   Clue Scrolls (hard)   -   Clue Scrolls (elite)   -  
Clue Scrolls (master)   -   LMS - RANK
1. Wilson82911
2. Zulti52806
3. Archies Noob438816
4. L2ggs426718
5. Bw422620
6. A L O E362731
7. True Fox317745
8. Zaryte Cx294150
9. Zeaf288453
10. Jusu263465
11. Bergkamp257269
12. Acdh Normie251272
13. Fr33pain244977
14. Drol390244377
15. Hsk39242578
16. Mr Content240082
17. T U B B Y239383
18. Zerruz222997
19. 73 35221899
20. Rrobert2197101
21. Lumb2189103
22. Dollbell2183104
23. Spum2103113
24. Fufupatoo2075118
25. Tmr2070119
26. Framed2056123
27. Tamea1926141
28. Skill Specs1882154
29. Ashvas1873155
30. Slayer King1823162

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200

*The data is according to the most recent Crystal Math Labs data point for each player, not from the up to date RuneScape Hiscores. No new datapoints can be made if the player is removed from the hiscores for any reason, so their RuneScape rank showed above will never change from that point. Also, ironman and ultimate ironman accounts will display the rank from the corresponding RuneScape hiscores.

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