Total Melee XP for yolo on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
Attack XP + Strength XP + Defence XP1. Terryturbo | 76,766,459 | (39,241,535 + | 20,591,562 + | 16,933,362) |
2. Klavelon | 75,909,927 | (23,060,750 + | 30,316,912 + | 22,532,265) |
3. Syrile | 31,586,697 | (10,018,419 + | 13,075,753 + | 8,492,525) |
4. Bzzt | 2,240,991 | (803,982 + | 856,609 + | 580,400) |
5. Riptex | 1,477,185 | (0 + | 1,477,185 + | 0) |
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