
Create competition from Affinity August 13th
Current Top for Affinity August 13th
Records for Affinity August 13th

Group ID: 32145
Total names in group: 124
Total names in database: 83
Total datapoints: 37,393
Total efficient time played: 60,945 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 83
Average virtual total level: 1,847
Average virtual combat level: 111.99
Total XP: 17,284,111,493
Total XP gained today: 205,252
Total XP gained this week: 19,812,247
Total XP gained this month: 143,435,288

Average XP of each player:
208,242,307 xp
11,502,048 xp (lvl 97)
9,395,771 xp (lvl 95)
19,922,543 xp (lvl 103)
25,584,871 xp (lvl 105)
24,983,233 xp (lvl 105)
5,330,091 xp (lvl 89)
14,383,698 xp (lvl 99)
10,169,448 xp (lvl 96)
6,834,540 xp (lvl 92)
5,660,808 xp (lvl 90)
6,438,184 xp (lvl 91)
5,537,737 xp (lvl 90)
6,114,820 xp (lvl 91)
4,710,094 xp (lvl 88)
5,244,184 xp (lvl 89)
5,007,924 xp (lvl 89)
4,503,708 xp (lvl 88)
4,686,100 xp (lvl 88)
8,356,337 xp (lvl 94)
9,834,505 xp (lvl 96)
3,971,566 xp (lvl 86)
5,193,157 xp (lvl 89)
4,804,735 xp (lvl 88)

Players in group (124):
1. Alch Agility
2. Evokexsand
3. F M L
4. Fantastique
5. J Xx
6. Jamz
7. Kyrandia2
8. Nupi
9. Yiqids04
10. 31hits
11. 42 Ir0n
12. 7pb
13. A R 1 6
14. A Titan
15. Absurd Luck
16. Absurd Wolf
17. Afkduck
18. Akascotty
19. Alhambraz
20. Alt Dyl
21. Atsuchii
22. Avgscape
23. Bear Bryant
24. Billdunkle88
25. Black Elvis
26. Blood Shed
27. Brutalities
28. Check Mark
29. Chopnslap
30. Chrimon
31. Corruptive
32. Dog Days
33. Dr Hard Fry
34. Dr Menstrual
35. Dr Mr Fry
36. Drzzit
37. Elliemc
38. Endgamez
39. Envour
40. Ether Or
41. Farmersanta
42. Fook Hing
43. Free Durial
44. Game Start
45. Gangoverluv
46. Gingythelord
47. Grow Cabbage
48. H Asko
49. Hueganis22
50. Hunky Veg
51. Hynes
52. Hypnosis
53. Iam Zorus
54. Inspiring
55. Ip Davester
56. Its Beerz
57. Ixneedxdrops
58. J3lyy
59. Jinzo Rain
60. Joeynuts
61. Juuzou5
62. Jxta
63. Knipz
64. Llloorrr
65. Lloorr
66. Lloorrr
67. Luffyson
68. Luffyson Ii
69. Main Dyl
70. Mbh
71. Meio
72. Mez V1
73. Mr Poopy Rng
74. Mrs Poopy
75. Nelse
76. Nelsen
77. Nick At Nite
78. Night Force
79. Noah Luvs U
80. Nogghan
81. Nooobsy
82. Notthatblack
83. Nuhbutmobile
84. Nupila
85. Pat Rick
86. Peachy101
87. Qte
88. Radtothebone
89. Rangeswifter
90. Repel
91. Rhymy
92. Riplo
93. Rng Dab
94. Rng Ppickle
95. Rng Tax
96. Rngisabsurd
97. Savage Peach
98. Sayhiordie
99. Scythlesss
100. Shinyjinzo
101. Skillza
102. Skillza Btw
103. Smokin Good
104. Smudg3
105. Sorry Me Bad
106. Stangpower
107. Stay A Zerk
108. Stringer5762
109. Swag4heisman
110. Symbiote
111. Talamon
112. The Noob0722
113. The Skillza
114. Tiny Dik Nub
115. Trokes
116. Uncle Rob
117. Venla
118. Want Coffee
119. Writedatdown
120. Wtfchris95
121. X Nick X
122. Xi1
123. Young Boot
124. Zosic

Players in group not in database (6):
1. atsuchii
2. free_durial
3. hypnosis
4. llloorrr
5. nuhbutmobile
6. pat_rick

Players in group not on hiscores (41):
1. 31hits
2. 42 Ir0n
3. Absurd Luck
4. Absurd Wolf
5. Alt Dyl
6. A R 1 6
7. Blood Shed
8. Dr Hard Fry
9. Elliemc
10. Farmersanta
11. Game Start
12. Gangoverluv
13. Hunky Veg
14. H Asko
15. Iam Zorus
16. Ip Davester
17. Ixneedxdrops
18. Luffyson
19. Main Dyl
20. Mez V1
21. Mr Poopy Rng
22. Nooobsy
23. Radtothebone
24. Rngisabsurd
25. Rng Dab
26. Rng Ppickle
27. Rng Tax
28. Savage Peach
29. Scythlesss
30. Shinyjinzo
31. Stringer5762
32. Talamon
33. The Skillza
34. Want Coffee
35. Writedatdown
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