Skill Rank Sum for Soldaten on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.

61. 13yold3,429,377
62. Denhaag3,591,036
63. Stoned 0503,621,651
64. Xxthuglif3xx3,664,280
65. Speedfreak3,768,206
66. Stinity3,901,942
67. B R A M M A3,976,179
68. Klein Meisje4,073,834
69. Noetn4,100,347
70. Zuwien4,120,511
71. Sir Smats4,248,045
72. Booij4,681,852
73. Deboy404,898,724
74. Blue Atmos4,954,130
75. Ababeltje4,974,755
76. Cripsis5,029,605
77. Blik Monster5,095,486
78. Lauw5,113,069
79. Papielexus5,121,352
80. Propz Dream5,144,174
81. Boettie5,235,204
82. Iphone5,242,513
83. Froemeltchhh5,593,160
84. Cadizx6,078,653
85. Rigor Anima6,082,949
86. Wesloy6,119,369
87. Wing Ninja 76,341,156
88. Sloebertje6,344,736
89. Emirhan6,490,461
90. D3v1il6,637,363

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