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League Points Hiscores excluding downie maxing on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

League Points   -   Bounty Hunter - Hunter   -   Bounty Hunter - Rogue   -  
Clue Scrolls (all)   -   Clue Scrolls (beginner)   -   Clue Scrolls (easy)   -  
Clue Scrolls (medium)   -   Clue Scrolls (hard)   -   Clue Scrolls (elite)   -  
Clue Scrolls (master)   -   LMS - RANK
121. I Ropers I1713865
122. 3691707870
123. Ricencurry1702871
124. I Cant Hit1701876
125. Skeena Sr1689880
126. Punches1676902
127. X Toguro X1666909
128. Halem1661907
129. Lzi1659914
130. Cougars1644826
131. Soz Lad1641934
132. D34th 4 Y0o1636935
133. Fenix1632925
134. John Ii1632943
135. Techno Pimp1625955
136. Yhivi1624937
137. Buygf500gp1600918
138. Smoke Herby15881006
139. Dingie Berry1585943
140. Ajuus1584888
141. Gamebreaking1573974
142. Chain Mace15721035
143. Daryl Lick15671022
144. M3ta15621029
145. Framedsucks15491059
146. 181915481066
147. El Guapo15471001
148. Barrage West15401075
149. Metal Nation15351076
150. Cyainlumb815321089

Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200

*The data is according to the most recent Crystal Math Labs data point for each player, not from the up to date RuneScape Hiscores. No new datapoints can be made if the player is removed from the hiscores for any reason, so their RuneScape rank showed above will never change from that point. Also, ironman and ultimate ironman accounts will display the rank from the corresponding RuneScape hiscores.

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