✅ An issue with updating hiscores has been fixed. Hiscores should now update more reliably. Please report any other issues to [email protected].

Total Gathering XP excluding 420 HYPE 420 on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Woodcutting XP + Fishing XP + Mining XP + Hunter XP

151. Dps615,891,211
152. Pecker Neck615,627,477
153. Lydia Kenney614,992,377
154. Maxiyogi610,148,345
155. Queenzlander603,871,386
156. Valete597,992,810
157. Daka597,605,955
158. Chxpo594,530,956
159. Dianasauregg594,049,725
160. $35.00 Donator Desper593,638,428
161. $25.00 Donator Vivaa592,794,505
162. Rousey590,746,881
163. Haw590,030,771
164. $35.73 Donator Darts587,946,172
165. S Tuey587,552,210
166. Spacealt586,567,420
167. $135.00 Donator Dear Sleeper576,647,250
168. Wee575,137,650
169. Azzanadra567,091,327
170. Aryabhata566,915,267
171. $25.00 Donator Daan564,466,016
172. Lewfu562,427,380
173. Slayismyfame561,288,955
174. Irondavid555,594,024
175. $35.00 Donator L2553,985,900
176. Glys553,487,236
177. Kinaesthetic553,347,661
178. Kirstin551,588,256
179. Toxic Waltz549,302,441
180. Jeffehpstein546,654,413

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