Skill Rank Sum for SocialScape on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.

51. Eradicati0n12,941,039
52. Fawken13,108,351
53. Drunk Dad13,518,117
54. Pvm Awkward13,566,834
55. Ilovedingus13,587,253
56. Grim Beard13,770,517
57. Star Spindle15,206,665
58. Oriannamain15,397,412
59. Ahzland15,566,342
60. Demising15,610,405
61. Too Zooted16,928,662
62. Escorpio17,319,889
63. Valdmur17,441,324
64. Marrk17,938,489
65. Main Name19,847,394
66. Lethal Lycan20,118,111
67. Eyzo21,624,509
68. Monkeyrage22,882,663
69. Shouku23,823,815
70. Aegex24,297,835
71. Ajidoh26,359,284
72. Lordbeirut29,236,909

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