Total Melee XP for The hilltop on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Attack XP + Strength XP + Defence XP

1. Ragequitted83,652,785  (28,044,636 + 34,620,502 + 20,987,647)
2. Confidentiel67,618,743  (23,844,902 + 28,674,773 + 15,099,068)
3. Hooverkicks252,156,658  (18,650,163 + 17,521,154 + 15,985,341)
4. Morphius25251,970,839  (17,210,663 + 18,855,466 + 15,904,710)
5. Warren Gray51,470,102  (19,973,471 + 16,187,563 + 15,309,068)
6. Bonebeast51,436,687  (15,773,352 + 20,922,914 + 14,740,421)
7. Steel Rain41,979,850  (14,329,997 + 14,005,232 + 13,644,621)
8. Pm Twisty41,919,313  (14,035,898 + 13,936,476 + 13,946,939)
9. Pasta Yasuo35,925,764  (8,387,309 + 24,286,801 + 3,251,654)
10. Timskens32,447,728  (11,146,326 + 13,285,745 + 8,015,657)
11. Pvm Debonair29,951,132  (10,702,832 + 9,682,761 + 9,565,539)
12. Sethieo23,119,317  (5,537,364 + 13,123,899 + 4,458,054)
13. Spuitslet22,618,716  (7,611,491 + 7,454,640 + 7,552,585)
14. Ugly Cow21,891,739  (6,698,789 + 8,877,625 + 6,315,325)
15. Fixheko21,622,957  (7,249,671 + 7,525,446 + 6,847,840)
16. Qwop Runner21,593,254  (6,749,260 + 13,166,678 + 1,677,316)
17. Tha Skibz16,805,121  (3,625,384 + 9,054,293 + 4,125,444)
18. Ryano49812,814,334  (3,655,716 + 5,449,719 + 3,708,899)
19. Brazzor10,252,672  (3,690,626 + 2,831,874 + 3,730,172)
20. Mrchuckninja9,968,682  (2,592,996 + 5,358,820 + 2,016,866)
21. Xangu8,346,377  (2,780,639 + 2,777,262 + 2,788,476)
22. Woods Bv7,341,738  (2,062,822 + 3,266,716 + 2,012,200)
23. Send It M86,504,365  (2,178,584 + 2,321,482 + 2,004,299)
24. Xkbizx6,502,472  (2,045,907 + 2,337,074 + 2,119,491)
25. Lucknick16,207,324  (2,039,142 + 2,951,663 + 1,216,519)
26. Strokegame995,379,275  (2,281,089 + 1,877,272 + 1,220,914)
27. Plompiesolid5,376,364  (1,761,697 + 1,851,750 + 1,762,917)
28. Halcyonmind5,358,986  (1,826,689 + 1,817,251 + 1,715,046)
29. Mr 5prinkles3,253,026  (1,011,190 + 1,207,702 + 1,034,134)
30. Countcuckla2,695,388  (822,860 + 1,092,592 + 779,936)
31. Falboy Bev2,618,713  (885,400 + 898,061 + 835,252)
32. Titvag651,426,634  (744,362 + 0 + 682,272)
33. Addileejune11,032,472  (0 + 752,775 + 279,697)
34. Mynameshutch309,417  (0 + 0 + 309,417)
35. Epicduckyman0  (0 + 0 + 0)

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