Total Buyable XP for That one group of people that Scape on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

Prayer XP + Firemaking XP + Crafting XP + Herblore XP + Farming XP + Construction XP

Prayer XP * 10.72 + Firemaking XP * 3.61 + Crafting XP * 2.75 +
Herblore XP * 3.00 + Farming XP * 6.44 + Construction XP * 15.09

1. Lord John90,259,339 xp     623,002,726 gp
2. Tafboy83,688,312 xp     580,701,930 gp
3. Yoooh Joee80,045,525 xp     553,142,105 gp
4. Estkoncept71,374,571 xp     519,186,838 gp
5. Bronze Ruger43,297,984 xp     222,949,528 gp
6. Daddy Savage41,640,423 xp     313,893,493 gp
7. Yllib12335,671,665 xp     221,427,883 gp
8. Xi Vivec Ix29,291,865 xp     213,592,993 gp
9. Gnar N G26,432,814 xp     191,693,300 gp
10. Exigenn25,582,210 xp     181,132,116 gp
11. Matresactres21,494,991 xp     145,514,186 gp
12. Crondelex21,055,214 xp     145,222,775 gp
13. Blankshadow18,988,512 xp     194,827,331 gp
14. Ieatcrackers18,926,262 xp     191,521,883 gp
15. Salanor V12,084,426 xp     52,759,528 gp
16. Omganags11,016,304 xp     72,818,529 gp
17. Riggnar0k7,045,353 xp     44,573,773 gp
18. Ess Zeus4,974,095 xp     17,767,653 gp
19. Beavers994,824,487 xp     33,436,890 gp
20. Soloswift2,893,956 xp     18,535,531 gp
21. Pursult2,804,985 xp     41,793,636 gp
22. Chuckyer2,248,139 xp     9,422,462 gp
23. Budh1,511,084 xp     9,352,514 gp
24. Waiker813,094 xp     2,933,348 gp
25. Pipelover662,554 xp     4,236,712 gp
26. Hoonin657,306 xp     5,319,883 gp
27. Liveey13,453 xp     86,589 gp
28. Shroomtastic0 xp     0 gp
29. Grannygumjob0 xp     0 gp

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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200
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