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Runecrafting Hiscores: Records



211. Solocatalyst7,132,851
212. Herbibor7,129,487
213. Mtd Relapse7,121,923
214. Sword56547,118,696
215. R4ged7,118,203
216. L857,098,802
217. Slaytr7,064,777
218. Manymink7,063,785
219. Tratteen7,062,638
220. Guidebook7,059,906
221. Houstoned7,059,804
222. Scott G7,059,123
223. Fatlantis7,056,504
224. Uliss7,055,524
225. Og27,054,520
226.  zawn 7,051,471
227. Algetic7,029,285
228. Youre Jobby7,028,928
229. Skimmer857,024,312
230. Louisbitton7,024,213
231. Federal Case7,020,414
232. I Have Poon7,000,302
233. Daxidol7,000,000
234. Slixov6,980,415
235. Zaphyrim6,980,358
236. Ho Nk6,978,661
237. O5o6,957,901
238. Peseth6,946,018
239. Envelion6,942,319
240. F1tn3ssworld6,939,072


211. $5.00 Donator Capt King14,492,764
212. Kid Im Lost14,483,181
213. Xav77714,376,711
214. Trisk14,375,990
215. Makings14,341,709
216. Lil Pleasure14,305,137
217. Constellar14,291,354
218. Cool Bootz14,248,950
219. Kyzn14,169,868
220. Tuson14,156,677
221. Dark Age Ii14,154,493
222. Farjan14,108,304
223. Smelly Sock14,017,493
224. Im Benough13,984,608
225. Zyb13,874,672
226. Artorialily13,865,316
227. Settingson13,833,729
228. Joonsoo13,819,915
229. Magic Mackee13,817,799
230. A Mong13,813,551
231. $145.00 Donator + @LavineOSRS Lavine 🐾13,731,960
232. Ms Helmi13,675,371
233. Tnk13,644,687
234. Fortyglock13,603,103
235. Leipkele13,598,988
236. Stor M13,591,643
237. 1 Percent13,512,988
238. Drag Arm 35513,504,191
239. Xerics Solo13,460,378
240. Doven13,452,770


211. Tmmm49,929,587
212. Hoobloob49,757,721
213. Maximumist48,599,982
214. Queenzlander48,598,236
215. Jozs48,421,091
216. Portunionman48,408,169
217. Oneprogoober48,377,290
218. Durance48,273,233
219. Fe Ma Le47,881,824
220. Louis Litt47,765,171
221. Pecker Neck47,521,328
222. Xzn47,503,818
223. Langutani47,133,158
224. Hasbullah47,031,560
225. Ffilteg46,770,665
226. hmu fortnaight plus 1 Meoow 🐈46,678,377
227. Balla46,470,776
228. E Th46,425,803
229. Rozlucka45,616,918
230. Taf45,448,724
231. Winter Hunt45,290,301
232. Steffrs44,863,028
233. Royal Mentha44,799,736
234. Brenty8844,406,896
235. Rubberapple44,208,385
236. $35.00 Donator Shelldunk44,081,825
237. Xbox43,930,891
238. Jonny 0743,641,558
239. Lovesexdrugs43,575,183
240. Treelad43,498,655
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP
  • Abyss Nats RC
  • Abyss Deaths RC
  • No souls RC

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