✅ An issue with updating hiscores has been fixed. Hiscores should now update more reliably. Please report any other issues to [email protected].

Magic Hiscores: Records



181. Lobstertamer12,201,051
182. Fockwolf 412,196,685
183. Luxoul12,161,873
184. Eat A Duck12,156,328
185. M Miq12,154,130
186. Cw12,147,988
187. $36.00 Donator Joonas12,134,669
188. 7ca12,124,954
189. Idlexp12,101,760
190. Aciem12,097,144
191. Strongfierce12,096,975
192. Kickback12,088,602
193. Lube Fart12,068,293
194. Ryougi Shiki12,062,742
195. Mag Wel12,051,772
196. Corrupted12,038,460
197. Tinteltit12,026,134
198. Mama11,992,780
199. Soyence11,905,014
200. $35.00 Donator Dumbfounded11,904,450
201. Allcreation11,884,902
202. Give Cub Now11,869,065
203. Azula11,846,156
204. Panda Scythe11,842,079
205. Perrault11,828,036
206. Goldaar11,826,110
207. Reluctz11,825,674
208. Runegirl96311,824,253
209. 1s 13th11,823,507
210. Senornut11,822,778


181. $25.00 Donator Gibberish33,872,054
182. Left Gf 4 Xp33,762,750
183. Video Peli33,620,424
184. Kimkallstrom33,350,517
185. Henee33,343,781
186. Voldesad33,271,100
187. Torttunaama33,199,027
188. $105.00 Donator dids 32,980,585
189. $15.00 Donator Hordalad32,976,315
190. Slimjim32,938,200
191. The Yak Put32,928,102
192. $36.00 Donator Joonas32,795,383
193. Hey Im J32,736,585
194. Rambo The 332,692,922
195. Fiko32,554,478
196. Mantas4632,371,495
197. $75.00 Donator Abra23832,133,850
198. Ch R Is32,091,279
199. The Aod31,949,836
200. Lumby31,846,130
201. Efillaicoson31,730,342
202. Safarl31,630,264
203. Sekaf31,547,490
204. Glads31,415,656
205. Pufffml31,305,891
206. Deaths Saint31,075,625
207. Dan Gleesac31,049,150
208. Corena31,008,694
209. Pkingtodie31,004,364
210. Queenzlander30,514,565


181. Momoh Flip130,264,574
182. $15.00 Donator Hordalad129,830,310
183. 4pink2floyd0129,637,500
184. Mombojom129,349,887
185. Pvv128,842,037
186. Tipsysplash128,353,604
187. Padq128,282,375
188. Ivanka127,301,746
189. Miss Piggy127,001,448
190. $35.69 Donator Randalicious126,750,133
191. Ult Pure126,158,913
192. $36.00 Donator Joonas126,043,628
193. Parasocia L125,719,346
194. Fiko124,901,742
195. Feldip124,866,534
196. The Yak Put124,490,827
197. Purpsauce123,705,121
198. $15.00 Donator Razor Beast123,602,180
199. Leito122,816,422
200. Badora Ii122,629,360
201. Berserker122,580,965
202. Phugazi121,742,994
203. Hampus120,932,329
204. Theikos120,165,863
205. Srgynt120,133,596
206. Bunratha119,534,121
207. Prince Daddy119,518,980
208. W Y119,483,953
209. Detects118,654,479
210. Corena118,581,378
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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