Prayer Hiscores: Records for Green Bandits



181. Crypticrazor339
182. Rushvelocity216
183. Tharp144
184. Olm Alone 2144
185. Diving X105
186. Omegashenron77
187. Jackaxe15
188. Flute Remix15
189. A Priest9


181. Cesan28,836
182. Chilled Monk27,157
183. Naseem22,585
184. Napoles20,506
185. Zyra20,000
186. Jackaxe18,150
187. Blackbelt17,486
188. Anbu15,593
189. Bbdonthurtme14,028
190. Extinct Iron12,924
191. Spikes5487,450
192. Why 5tak37,448
193. Senpai Osrs5,545
194. Cap Jack5,419
195. Lord Larry3,854
196. The Aizan2,070
197. Farmbuh1,816
198. Furious Zerk1,800
199. Blyte1,625
200. Kiladankkush1,600
201. Noob Prez734
202. Brownwaifus700
203. Dr Killin305
204. Golden Seas284
205. A Priest278
206. Flute Remix274
207. Rushvelocity216
208. Diving X134
209. Little Cox27


181. Tharp111,116
182. Chilled Monk97,558
183. Jay Boi77,497
184. Napoles68,544
185. L Uk51,404
186. Jackaxe47,690
187. I Am Smoke40,319
188. Naseem33,687
189. F Ern31,860
190. Why 5tak331,145
191. Cesan29,036
192. Bbdonthurtme24,037
193. Senpai Osrs22,188
194. Cap Jack20,379
195. Spikes54814,037
196. Kiladankkush12,952
197. Lord Larry9,232
198. The Aizan2,842
199. Blyte2,224
200. Furious Zerk1,800
201. Brownwaifus1,009
202. Noob Prez734
203. Dr Killin620
204. Flute Remix392
205. A Priest347
206. Anbu315
207. Rushvelocity288
208. Diving X273
209. Lit On Rs55
210. The Rebel54
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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