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Fishing Hiscores: Records for f2p kings


1. Buhe899,807
2. Zxxy714,640
3. Razo Pro Dj0688,517
4. 4themininoob438,460
5. Swoier399,640
6. 7gd386,856
7. Neserra357,716
8. Whitezoomie339,729
9. Litsaiyan100,240
10. Deathdusk92,055
11. Plumbthatb76,678
12. Daimondlv63,913
13. Bruzzy47,664
14. Lego Waffles41,230
15. Redj7531,210
16. Anym29,700
17. Seiryublue29,075
18. Lukashouser10,008
19. Jefry11087,735
20. Ealana3,740


1. Buhe4,947,947
2. Zxxy3,959,320
3. 4themininoob2,363,800
4. Razo Pro Dj02,010,226
5. Whitezoomie1,867,186
6. Neserra1,364,470
7. Swoier1,280,610
8. 7gd1,234,299
9. Bruzzy645,310
10. Weckmon309,734
11. Plumbthatb229,690
12. Deathdusk201,115
13. Litsaiyan186,498
14. Daimondlv169,198
15. Redj75166,940
16. Seiryublue162,430
17. Harboror159,720
18. Jaill134,608
19. Adderalluser91,293
20. Pvmtristan90,410
21. Jefry110855,320
22. Hungry G00se44,914
23. Lego Waffles41,230
24. Swkassy40,440
25. Anym29,700
26. A321012318,770
27. Lukashouser17,008
28. Ealana3,740
29. Vgolfer400


1. Buhe12,469,219
2. 7gd4,960,526
3. Zxxy4,427,900
4. 4themininoob4,236,900
5. Whitezoomie4,149,306
6. Swoier4,043,120
7. Harboror2,663,880
8. Razo Pro Dj02,150,504
9. Neserra2,048,842
10. Lukashouser1,447,260
11. Bruzzy1,436,081
12. Deathdusk1,355,974
13. Skitunge1,239,536
14. Plumbthatb744,125
15. Weckmon618,942
16. Seiryublue528,794
17. Daimondlv416,387
18. Vgolfer349,427
19. Litsaiyan235,992
20. Snipermasta209,960
21. Redj75201,790
22. 10t191,046
23. Cain520184,757
24. Rokburok162,140
25. Jaill134,608
26. Juanon121,168
27. Adderalluser95,007
28. Flloot94,600
29. Pvmtristan90,410
30. Jefry110870,055
31. Hungry G00se68,780
32. Anym65,340
33. Sloeber110063,820
34. Swkassy57,010
35. Therock V247,380
36. Ealana44,682
37. Lego Waffles41,230
38. A321012318,772
39. Guthansgear8,175
40. Stadly65,461
41. Omegadeath475,140
42. Inshrekted2,320
43. Aky41650
44. Thewoozywomb650
45. Ninac 92650
46. Delcioustaco650
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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