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Smithing Hiscores: Records for Insurgence


1. Unzip4,030,215
2. Its Seth2,940,625
3. Usa Usa Usa2,898,132
4. Dark0ne2,641,231
5. Rova2,341,728
6. Yourealltalk1,868,793
7. 4biddin31,850,297
8. Im So Fat1,638,063
9. M K J1,635,438
10. Wildfire Pvm1,380,601
11. Cheesesnake1,192,987
12. Venus Fly1,169,388
13. Iceandele1,103,912
14. Gnomes1,032,370
15. Le W Is1,028,062
16. Pvm Simo989,717
17. Napoleon985,942
18. Floofywaffle982,219
19. Sammyger981,938
20. Phloak976,175
21. Sigurros931,922
22. Imahjarrat909,375
23. Symmm890,994
24. Lavaq890,938
25. Dead Inside835,970
26. Arcticchill804,860
27. Poe Man717,075
28. Kevlar Bird600,664
29. Giantmole572,425
30. Papa Kuda507,375
31. Pr3y493,598
32. S197443,454
33. Fosteeeezy441,024
34. Zwef388,723
35. Rkymtngal372,899
36. Cole Rymer362,503
37. Ike The Mage357,036
38. The Gloom349,175
39. Ante316,265
40. Blaze King311,572
41. Guam Tar287,396
42. Musial278,000
43. Cave Rat269,525
44. Prairi263,389
45. Fiism244,375
46. Iangd242,743
47. Aaria187,127
48. Friend171,245
49. Ba Ch141,800
50. 9b131,805
51. Wtfisabook125,057
52. Early Birdy90,438
53. Tatrat80,250
54. Gangstas76,575
55. Phalanax64,468
56. Exo Landon45,000
57. Camba42,950
58. Complain40,200
59. Bentz37,500
60. King Tj37,108
61. Dementor925,125
62. Dilly P Ii20,000
63. Acidtape20,000
64. Himbo15,000
65. Seaf11,280
66. Trisjon10,500
67. Mandont10,500
68. Soundscape7,781
69. Dyb5,000
70. Im Ugly Af1,830
71. Born For Thc1,680
72. Biken131,385
73. A Noose1,188
74. Piggysfriend735
75. Mc Nugget666
76. Mayvex250
77. Zonse200
78. High On Life200
79. Iron Shaannt102
80. Forgetmenot100
81. Deku Of Osrs50
82. Faultygenome50


1. 9b10,835,658
2. Unzip8,586,740
3. Dark0ne7,371,839
4. Symmm7,284,519
5. Yourealltalk7,028,798
6. M K J5,942,688
7. 4biddin35,431,634
8. Im So Fat4,960,961
9. Gnomes4,654,272
10. Venus Fly4,262,765
11. Its Seth4,155,713
12. Pr3y3,984,533
13. Usa Usa Usa3,944,750
14. Rova3,830,360
15. Wildfire Pvm3,610,233
16. Le W Is3,563,025
17. Sammyger3,551,187
18. Giantmole3,372,988
19. Cheesesnake3,349,041
20. Blaze King3,260,125
21. A Noose3,137,812
22. Napoleon2,596,788
23. Imahjarrat2,341,500
24. Lavaq2,307,858
25. Tyler 072,274,066
26. Deku Of Osrs1,990,187
27. Dead Inside1,964,026
28. Pvm Simo1,925,966
29. Sigurros1,892,754
30. Floofywaffle1,753,099
31. Arcticchill1,547,775
32. Ante1,480,237
33. Seaf1,461,606
34. Iceandele1,374,767
35. Kevlar Bird1,325,645
36. Papa Kuda1,311,875
37. Im Ugly Af1,306,646
38. Ba Ch1,296,220
39. Tatrat1,196,829
40. Phloak1,166,525
41. Biken13998,855
42. Musial984,875
43. Friend828,420
44. Poe Man806,063
45. Prairi770,562
46. The Gloom760,550
47. Exo Landon744,225
48. Iangd690,640
49. S197666,907
50. Kneel Dogs646,331
51. Rkymtngal645,317
52. Ike The Mage630,317
53. High On Life574,046
54. Guam Tar525,362
55. Mandont495,825
56. Fosteeeezy442,062
57. Wtfisabook426,375
58. Bentz416,387
59. Early Birdy406,475
60. Zwef389,395
61. Cole Rymer362,503
62. Cave Rat362,293
63. Fiism355,625
64. Dr Goeb338,963
65. Zonse287,822
66. Subwoofers279,916
67. F250271,359
68. Piggysfriend235,189
69. Aaria230,290
70. Soundscape229,203
71. Himbo226,756
72. Iron Shaannt161,058
73. Pkthing153,485
74. Gangstas138,762
75. Dyb131,000
76. Camba77,041
77. Phalanax73,068
78. Complain65,480
79. King Tj37,133
80. Dementor925,125
81. Killingmac 325,000
82. Lplayrstoned25,000
83. Dilly P Ii20,400
84. Acidtape20,000
85. Mc Nugget17,434
86. Trisjon15,967
87. Luminousnite15,100
88. Pogo Bear11,875
89. Born For Thc9,545
90. Vorki Please8,962
91. S A L T5,085
92. Forgetmenot2,880
93. Sage Vegas2,300
94. Thepinkgoose360
95. Mayvex250
96. King Of Nmz225
97. Faultygenome100
98. Snow Rabbit30


1. Unzip12,063,692
2. Le W Is11,058,937
3. 9b10,901,496
4. A Noose9,424,833
5. Blaze King9,385,621
6. Yourealltalk9,210,030
7. M K J8,164,852
8. Dark0ne7,424,554
9. Symmm7,286,424
10. Gnomes7,122,740
11. Venus Fly6,429,665
12. Pr3y6,227,181
13. 4biddin35,964,415
14. Cheesesnake5,853,908
15. Its Seth5,849,775
16. Giantmole4,995,402
17. Im So Fat4,961,048
18. S1974,860,159
19. Sammyger4,843,628
20. Usa Usa Usa4,694,198
21. Deku Of Osrs4,549,384
22. Floofywaffle4,465,318
23. Rova4,460,566
24. Napoleon4,403,391
25. Friend4,253,831
26. Lavaq4,115,875
27. Wildfire Pvm3,826,188
28. Sigurros3,481,574
29. Himbo3,276,679
30. Wtfisabook3,116,742
31. Musial3,054,359
32. Imahjarrat2,867,037
33. Biken132,728,319
34. Piggysfriend2,665,550
35. Subwoofers2,593,167
36. Poe Man2,472,517
37. Ante2,465,445
38. Complain2,408,144
39. Tyler 072,381,527
40. Dilly P Ii2,174,694
41. Dead Inside2,117,562
42. Tatrat2,034,547
43. Pvm Simo1,934,706
44. Ike The Mage1,906,909
45. Z Raw1,890,419
46. Arcticchill1,860,365
47. Exo Landon1,714,150
48. Mandont1,625,000
49. Kevlar Bird1,559,519
50. Seaf1,530,806
51. Papa Kuda1,458,610
52. Iceandele1,376,364
53. Early Birdy1,369,696
54. Im Ugly Af1,307,196
55. Ba Ch1,298,915
56. Phalanax1,294,466
57. Prairi1,290,032
58. Phloak1,230,544
59. Iangd1,154,890
60. Aaria1,152,260
61. Fosteeeezy1,148,278
62. The Gloom1,102,919
63. C7ip1,101,125
64. Luminousnite1,029,050
65. Zonse1,013,961
66. Iron Shaannt916,036
67. Dilly P909,845
68. Kneel Dogs881,401
69. New Demons874,913
70. King Tj874,867
71. Lplayrstoned830,774
72. Zwef746,212
73. Pogo Bear723,833
74. Dr Goeb697,961
75. Gangstas665,914
76. Rkymtngal645,317
77. Star Walker630,644
78. Faultygenome614,411
79. Capey597,396
80. High On Life575,299
81. Guam Tar544,137
82. Soundscape528,846
83. Acidtape507,250
84. Cave Rat503,979
85. Snow Rabbit465,048
86. Bentz464,208
87. The Shiznitz439,712
88. Thepinkgoose429,751
89. Born For Thc401,958
90. Cole Rymer386,954
91. Pkthing358,527
92. Fiism356,425
93. Mayvex298,647
94. Vorki Please291,846
95. F250271,359
96. S A L T188,250
97. Dyb131,000
98. Turbskii116,668
99. Forgetmenot86,360
100. Camba79,742
101. Rikkuabyss69,588
102. Rocklore46,713
103. Dunkerton37,738
104. Qt Girl32,438
105. Dementor930,467
106. Killingmac 325,150
107. Trisjon18,865
108. Mc Nugget17,434
109. Hailee S14,048
110. Sage Vegas2,300
111. Tai Pan1,855
112. Yeoj1,830
113. Amanthfirst676
114. King Of Nmz225
115. M48100
116. Pvmnightmare75
117. Bluelivesmtr50
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP
  • Superheat

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