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Attack Hiscores: Records for Sk1llbeast


1. Florian 19881,718,996
2. Tunnellord1,600,000
3. Wasserohne845,141
4. Som Tingwong744,076
5. Arunce664,190
6. Benni234632,394
7. Koorkiekla607,120
8. Thatiger420573,516
9. Crossbowkill511,352
10. Emper0r95410,003
11. Ariandrz363,780
12. Gagifidi344,397
13. H3adburner338,674
14. Aciddream334,714
15. Carus Guy317,289
16. Itankforfree311,147
17. Thecampi293,300
18. Tawag271,895
19. Xmarco256,678
20. Songoten240,008
21. Auwiesner235,597
22. L0xs231,996
23. Olexesh222,397
24. Thenooby217,558
25. Dudeiamdead208,788
26. Fayele200,251
27. Salda195,800
28. Osrs Nooby184,584
29. Kosra177,459
30. Xarnathos168,832
31. Sickofsorrow167,041
32. Exxuma156,919
33. Bmw Or Benz156,518
34. Nicnacnuc155,250
35. Kadhead132,622
36. Elliottsmith121,689
37. P0werwolf120,580
38. Nabih109,908
39. Zelexis93,880
40. Pilzy67,004
41. Solo Nooby60,600
42. Der Sohn44,871
43. Bladisuelz43,680
44. Hw435,899
45. Jokor32,760
46. Bye24,794
47. Loopzx22,428
48. Ko Nightmare17,171
49. Volker Racho16,231
50. Dudesiron14,340
51. Smoking Lime13,326
52. Juuergen10,203
53. Jmz Poenix4,047
54. Juktes640
55. Sk1llbeast12


1. Florian 19885,292,807
2. Tunnellord4,348,461
3. Wasserohne3,515,482
4. Salda2,637,898
5. Arunce1,958,308
6. Som Tingwong1,850,124
7. Ariandrz1,814,525
8. Fayele1,556,159
9. Emper0r951,524,152
10. Koorkiekla1,407,823
11. Itankforfree1,398,508
12. Exxuma1,272,351
13. H3adburner1,250,639
14. Thatiger4201,172,198
15. Olexesh1,162,244
16. Gagifidi1,070,790
17. Sickofsorrow998,857
18. Auwiesner900,219
19. Carus Guy858,244
20. Crossbowkill834,250
21. Aciddream833,048
22. L0xs813,710
23. Benni234802,948
24. Bmw Or Benz798,212
25. Nicnacnuc796,353
26. Osrs Nooby759,921
27. Xmarco699,931
28. Thenooby694,973
29. Xarnathos640,560
30. Songoten617,471
31. Tawag610,341
32. Thecampi609,128
33. Kosra586,510
34. Elliottsmith570,840
35. Pilzy434,902
36. Bye434,542
37. Nabih426,061
38. Jokor360,220
39. Frisch Fisch315,147
40. Kadhead270,239
41. Hmmm Hm241,674
42. P0werwolf228,207
43. Juktes223,334
44. Zelexis217,684
45. Dudeiamdead208,788
46. Smoking Lime138,714
47. Ehren Blade110,091
48. Gerillo107,453
49. Todeswucht195,298
50. Elliottiron91,898
51. Juuergen89,185
52. Ko Nightmare86,379
53. Solo Nooby60,600
54. Hw457,346
55. Loopzx55,859
56. Der Sohn45,987
57. Bladisuelz43,756
58. Dudesiron41,452
59. Spiderwolf33,727
60. Volker Racho21,986
61. Jmz Poenix9,579
62. Alex Iron3,849
63. Zulrah Sux2,696
64. Sk1llbeast12


1. Tunnellord10,419,901
2. Salda8,894,842
3. Wasserohne8,613,589
4. Florian 19887,867,057
5. Itankforfree4,833,851
6. Thenooby3,829,484
7. Exxuma3,359,896
8. Gagifidi3,347,546
9. H3adburner3,266,828
10. Tawag3,105,125
11. Olexesh3,076,471
12. Ariandrz2,966,826
13. Carus Guy2,874,387
14. Arunce2,857,199
15. Koorkiekla2,826,794
16. Emper0r952,721,957
17. Osrs Nooby2,631,951
18. Bmw Or Benz2,560,400
19. Aciddream2,424,901
20. Nicnacnuc2,415,699
21. Xarnathos2,153,883
22. Som Tingwong2,131,865
23. L0xs2,124,632
24. Sickofsorrow2,084,603
25. Xmarco1,975,887
26. Thatiger4201,767,406
27. Fayele1,733,619
28. Auwiesner1,708,412
29. Benni2341,670,043
30. Crossbowkill1,656,253
31. Juktes1,537,125
32. Kosra1,385,282
33. Songoten1,307,084
34. Frisch Fisch1,292,111
35. Spiderwolf1,106,790
36. Dudeiamdead944,682
37. Nabih852,591
38. Elliottsmith804,964
39. Bye779,008
40. Jokor748,168
41. Pilzy746,846
42. Der Sohn698,523
43. Thecampi647,028
44. Tobi E635,018
45. Ehren Blade575,537
46. Kadhead570,698
47. Hmmm Hm539,540
48. Ahenk361491,567
49. Zelexis428,404
50. P0werwolf304,173
51. Todeswucht1264,947
52. Angriff261,174
53. Dudesiron248,843
54. Hw4219,012
55. Smoking Lime218,667
56. Ko Nightmare202,980
57. Luxxess185,670
58. Loopzx183,418
59. Juuergen138,661
60. B0000000z420108,339
61. Gerillo107,453
62. Elliottiron91,898
63. Solo Nooby60,600
64. Bladisuelz43,844
65. Volker Racho31,370
66. Jmz Poenix13,626
67. Zulrah Sux7,328
68. Hcim Nooby5,936
69. Alex Iron4,781
70. Hc Fabianixb160
71. Sk1llbeast12
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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