Defence Hiscores: Records for Exigence 100


1. Zokot1,291,344
2. Doom Fletch1,112,654
3. Elysian Prod993,443
4. King Tiko786,826
5. Rocketcandy782,000
6. Whats Reddit758,857
7. Skylarkings546,192
8. Slasher3410530,808
9. Sir Mcglade455,741
10. Biesadesky391,460
11. Mellagro390,568
12. This Angel378,820
13. Bad Exp367,712
14. Datskai339,580
15. Yetiscalp311,626
16. Valentineq280,662
17. Mystery Mang279,567
18. G A R Field5278,793
19. Irisviele264,633
20. Pennstate236,662
21. Exi Sisukas228,414
22. Sloppy224,174
23. The Matth218,922
24. Nandro210,764
25. Killertoast204,835
26. Silvervvood188,269
27. B00l163,760
28. Pkincrazy160,733
29. Exigence154,371
30. Tiger2017149,703
31. Lindelt132,213
32. Soulless Tuk129,298
33. Stere0type121,346
34. Baasy118,233
35. Domina117,697
36. Trackies106,914
37. Wbrantw84,058
38. Dangitbobby83,106
39. Groot82,251
40. Ifab81,367
41. Tbow Grind79,710
42. Huntail10174,280
43. Mariah Gene71,042
44. Twixinthemix55,399
45. Mezeip53,691
46. Exi Austin52,580
47. A I L D39,885
48. Astrixftw30,903
49. Juicy Pair26,499
50. Dank Maemaes20,852
51. Its Zerk Mag20,000
52. Tewell 7116,001
53. Ted Scape15,669
54. Ghorock9,945
55. Spoonyg7,911
56. Start Safin39


1. Mellagro6,134,758
2. Zokot5,944,132
3. Elysian Prod4,193,804
4. Doom Fletch3,995,114
5. This Angel3,922,752
6. Slasher34102,289,932
7. Whats Reddit2,091,128
8. King Tiko1,802,481
9. Biesadesky1,579,695
10. Mystery Mang1,469,600
11. Sir Mcglade1,468,813
12. Killertoast1,258,643
13. Rocketcandy1,122,723
14. Valentineq1,044,726
15. Exi Sisukas1,007,389
16. Bad Exp890,690
17. Trackies886,365
18. G A R Field5784,780
19. Pennstate757,701
20. Skylarkings751,347
21. Tiger2017750,321
22. Yetiscalp704,762
23. Juicy Pair675,065
24. Nandro667,625
25. B00l658,777
26. Datskai654,336
27. Irisviele637,843
28. Silvervvood633,823
29. Sloppy629,765
30. Exigence600,519
31. Pkincrazy568,234
32. Tbow Grind559,070
33. Lindelt470,240
34. Groot466,003
35. The Matth461,963
36. Domina377,016
37. Dangitbobby372,808
38. Mariah Gene339,691
39. Soulless Tuk324,033
40. Wbrantw322,713
41. Baasy294,926
42. Ifab208,665
43. Huntail101204,115
44. Stere0type202,087
45. Mezeip158,877
46. Exi Austin149,891
47. Twixinthemix149,597
48. Astrixftw111,729
49. A I L D96,197
50. Tewell 7176,140
51. Ghorock68,542
52. Dank Maemaes47,958
53. Ted Scape46,289
54. Its Zerk Mag27,887
55. Spoonyg22,579
56. Misterme1021,246
57. Start Safin617


1. Doom Fletch12,906,354
2. Elysian Prod11,546,449
3. Yetiscalp10,497,062
4. Zokot9,671,458
5. Silvervvood7,684,191
6. Mellagro7,465,687
7. Slasher34106,800,557
8. Biesadesky4,858,561
9. Whats Reddit4,840,434
10. Groot4,699,012
11. This Angel4,563,030
12. King Tiko3,650,090
13. Mystery Mang2,933,539
14. Sloppy2,580,341
15. Sir Mcglade2,487,356
16. Tiger20172,433,273
17. G A R Field52,316,362
18. Irisviele2,262,180
19. Killertoast2,254,521
20. Rocketcandy2,224,242
21. Domina2,042,187
22. Trackies1,978,577
23. B00l1,776,885
24. Bad Exp1,748,459
25. Datskai1,729,915
26. Valentineq1,704,403
27. Exi Sisukas1,585,979
28. Juicy Pair1,511,114
29. Nandro1,456,854
30. Tbow Grind1,338,395
31. Mezeip1,185,290
32. Skylarkings1,162,119
33. Stere0type1,093,739
34. Pkincrazy1,065,047
35. Lindelt978,136
36. The Matth950,887
37. Pennstate925,790
38. Soulless Tuk880,439
39. Exigence837,648
40. Baasy812,830
41. Ted Scape777,047
42. Mariah Gene734,188
43. Wbrantw709,951
44. Twixinthemix663,734
45. Dangitbobby622,181
46. Tewell 71516,574
47. Spoonyg367,767
48. Astrixftw346,313
49. Ifab341,557
50. Huntail101325,000
51. A I L D273,045
52. Exi Austin226,713
53. Dank Maemaes173,618
54. Ghorock68,674
55. Misterme1059,305
56. Its Zerk Mag28,624
57. Start Safin14,206
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Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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