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Attack Hiscores: Records for Genus PvM


1. Denialism1,750,672
2. Ashtraynaut1,588,353
3. Sleepinonice1,272,912
4. Mizi1,261,056
5. Phil D1,090,822
6. Re9x1,084,152
7. Yeboi Zeus974,576
8. Itz Hickton941,728
9. Commenter915,308
10. Spencerz907,184
11. Venmo870,160
12. Conah855,466
13. Shany854,653
14. A Somebooody763,016
15. Bommijn743,708
16. Moowi697,868
17. Warlord Sage630,884
18. Liiights595,051
19. Iluv Pandas591,257
20. Mgs577,091
21. Akeno569,518
22. Tyler Stone544,837
23. Alphaimpact543,039
24. Hard Style540,794
25. Snuge510,607
26. Rustaaaagh500,041
27. Huntinggirls497,080
28. Maga Hat488,284
29. Dundo472,149
30. Ovaryacting464,842
31. War1462,568
32. Mvpilie461,180
33. The Anubis456,541
34. Sink439,701
35. Okupant433,569
36. Dyz428,621
37. Slow Clicks415,429
38. Ruhpetitive410,801
39. Iaminfamous394,847
40. Turso384,673
41. Magnifice379,129
42. Fanta Sea379,048
43. Naaaaa366,660
44. Skider 1359,339
45. Tfn358,935
46. Green Slave354,412
47. G Chars353,734
48. Anothergamer332,204
49. Coffeedrive331,422
50. Toxicbropipe328,264
51. Its Sinku309,802
52. Agez308,505
53. Rocket Man307,794
54. Questsnow307,212
55. Pink Hippos2291,037
56. Arsaw287,981
57. Fo00ooo0ools274,096
58. Og Kus H273,181
59. I Am Duplex272,675
60. Liltaz265,076
61. Jryrlr264,881
62. Pevm255,282
63. Final Xemnas253,064
64. Liles247,381
65. Rheece242,741
66. Shot U235,268
67. Mrkingjohn228,823
68. Andariel227,036
69. Murmurz221,528
70. Andatecas213,576
71. Gnaes209,314
72. Swaggyisland208,743
73. Bigboibill205,359
74. Everclear198,466
75. Malibuux197,378
76. Farmology191,427
77. Peseth189,649
78. Kcarr185,885
79. Matwoj180,906
80. Loserscape176,608
81. Majorjoyce175,572
82. Tour Guide168,685
83. Bullet Pker161,608
84. Qgm157,364
85. Taazed152,810
86. Hustlin 24 7151,661
87. Snellejelle150,881
88. Beardman00149,524
89. Roxo9147,398
90. Nicki139,696
91. Twohandedfap132,403
92. Dirty Nuts131,681
93. Penzo120,304
94. Eventwalker114,558
95. Sir Norfolk1108,910
96. Tsb Pacmayne107,505
97. Sese106,139
98. Yellowducky3105,533
99. Alex Iv104,430
100. Sara Trip96,772


1. Denialism9,307,804
2. Mizi6,345,188
3. Sleepinonice5,326,756
4. Ashtraynaut4,725,586
5. Matwoj4,372,957
6. Conah4,342,092
7. Commenter4,161,745
8. Yeboi Zeus3,433,193
9. Venmo3,324,506
10. Itz Hickton3,275,911
11. Shany3,259,539
12. Rustaaaagh3,013,609
13. Bommijn2,882,976
14. Re9x2,579,500
15. Tyler Stone2,429,329
16. Akeno2,334,176
17. Warlord Sage2,274,844
18. Phil D2,228,132
19. A Somebooody2,163,583
20. Mrkingjohn2,124,034
21. Moowi2,092,555
22. Iluv Pandas1,996,376
23. Magnifice1,972,423
24. Tfn1,935,385
25. War11,933,073
26. Okupant1,874,728
27. Mgs1,732,033
28. Spencerz1,701,617
29. G Chars1,700,809
30. Sink1,642,488
31. Dyz1,638,098
32. The Anubis1,628,315
33. Snuge1,613,954
34. Ovaryacting1,605,886
35. Liiights1,591,438
36. Iaminfamous1,559,507
37. Agez1,545,017
38. Dundo1,470,491
39. Coffeedrive1,387,920
40. Rocket Man1,383,084
41. Its Sinku1,344,420
42. Budznbooze1,331,195
43. Fanta Sea1,320,653
44. Maga Hat1,242,128
45. Huntinggirls1,220,172
46. Turso1,217,494
47. Ruhpetitive1,194,625
48. Naaaaa1,174,716
49. Mvpilie1,150,830
50. Hard Style1,061,602
51. Shot U1,061,480
52. Alphaimpact1,061,278
53. Eastwood1,028,696
54. F Smash987,692
55. Murmurz982,831
56. Jryrlr982,490
57. Liltaz967,952
58. Farmology966,703
59. Green Slave964,867
60. Questsnow962,277
61. Ihuntie961,892
62. Arsaw957,211
63. Skider 1947,771
64. Godd Is Good941,496
65. Afk Dabbing940,596
66. Final Xemnas895,764
67. Peseth889,392
68. Twohandedfap854,352
69. Swaggyisland852,294
70. Alex Iv849,259
71. Slow Clicks839,015
72. Og Kus H827,061
73. I Am Duplex817,643
74. Fo00ooo0ools815,329
75. Pink Hippos2810,360
76. J O J O778,287
77. Majorjoyce772,149
78. Losing757,609
79. Roxo9735,413
80. Ezlikeurmom723,156
81. Malibuux716,562
82. Babyhedgehog699,233
83. Tour Guide695,511
84. Rheece661,619
85. Nicki653,596
86. Anothergamer652,517
87. Bigboibill642,643
88. Andariel641,034
89. Skyzr635,275
90. Toxicbropipe630,644
91. Link1501604,594
92. Taazed555,069
93. Liles553,462
94. Pevm551,705
95. Everclear547,488
96. Andatecas540,970
97. Dr Ohm523,286
98. Loserscape507,715
99. Ketaminiac503,135
100. Penzo489,536


1. Sleepinonice17,949,151
2. Denialism11,841,483
3. Kcarr9,280,436
4. Warlord Sage9,031,504
5. Matwoj8,869,503
6. Conah8,166,278
7. Bommijn7,666,559
8. Mgs6,493,678
9. Tyler Stone6,414,089
10. Mizi6,345,188
11. Ashtraynaut5,863,218
12. Agez5,814,957
13. Magnifice5,759,208
14. Liltaz5,691,462
15. Snuge5,567,827
16. Spencerz5,361,566
17. Skider 15,329,007
18. Shany5,308,784
19. Mrkingjohn5,218,857
20. Moowi5,049,975
21. Akeno4,874,144
22. Ovaryacting4,758,182
23. Sink4,753,608
24. Iluv Pandas4,723,459
25. Commenter4,691,930
26. Itz Hickton4,602,895
27. The Anubis4,254,357
28. A Somebooody4,219,105
29. Phil D4,169,562
30. Leftee4,152,732
31. Yeboi Zeus4,122,166
32. Venmo4,112,773
33. Alphaimpact4,008,264
34. Fanta Sea4,003,906
35. Tfn3,971,214
36. Re9x3,829,144
37. Liiights3,790,913
38. Iaminfamous3,703,967
39. Its Sinku3,686,675
40. Murmurz3,570,714
41. Ruhpetitive3,496,015
42. Turso3,418,531
43. Unwrapasmile3,406,567
44. Shot U3,385,853
45. Dundo3,361,088
46. Amazinjubjub3,356,602
47. Dyz3,321,315
48. Maga Hat3,305,448
49. Okupant3,303,985
50. Questsnow3,184,076
51. Rustaaaagh3,141,280
52. Budznbooze3,045,769
53. Farmology3,042,555
54. War12,963,821
55. Green Slave2,941,911
56. Og Kus H2,793,924
57. Naaaaa2,733,843
58. Peseth2,700,775
59. Swaggyisland2,552,474
60. Leanna2,535,178
61. Rocket Man2,512,821
62. Fo00ooo0ools2,486,969
63. G Chars2,476,091
64. Mvpilie2,467,412
65. Ketaminiac2,435,986
66. Hard Style2,402,578
67. Back2lumbygg2,279,781
68. Coffeedrive2,274,335
69. Pink Hippos22,240,574
70. Anothergamer2,214,221
71. Huntinggirls2,194,762
72. J O J O2,191,098
73. Penzo2,156,316
74. Final Xemnas2,111,165
75. Arsaw2,096,685
76. Ihuntie2,066,760
77. True Mage1,978,892
78. I Am Duplex1,926,030
79. Jryrlr1,913,442
80. Babyhedgehog1,909,040
81. Nicki1,894,622
82. Majorjoyce1,880,785
83. Toxicbropipe1,816,402
84. Rheece1,809,441
85. Slow Clicks1,788,738
86. Taazed1,725,186
87. Tour Guide1,691,242
88. Losing1,679,734
89. Bigboibill1,679,359
90. Spedward1,670,170
91. Alex Iv1,662,440
92. Ezlikeurmom1,654,907
93. Feldmeister1,643,364
94. Everclear1,631,839
95. Liles1,573,795
96. F Smash1,564,142
97. Skyzr1,557,224
98. Twohandedfap1,554,475
99. Rainbow Serp1,539,013
100. Afk Dabbing1,530,519
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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