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Fishing Hiscores: Current Top



181. The Chopchop1,415,567
182. Sherloki Gim1,414,644
183. 541311,413,510
184. Chilltrap1,412,797
185. Sweet Poppy1,410,573
186. Ibark4treats1,408,759
187. Burksfield1,407,360
188. Ungabungabtw1,407,044
189. Valparadise1,402,764
190. Ash Y1,397,320
191. Yelsos1,393,690
192. Valor1,388,457
193. Imve1,388,431
194. Uzopp1,375,190
195. Woody2331,370,320
196. Doufie1,363,490
197. Bexlii1,358,593
198. Starfell1,357,540
199. Skrelo1,355,660
200. Togiodi1,351,133
201. Ip61,349,956
202. Toasty1,348,490
203. Exiting1,342,729
204. Emmy K1,342,609
205. British King1,341,998
206. Karamjosh1,341,154
207. Mottsville1,337,960
208. Le Tuyuk1,336,825
209. Hanson James1,333,323
210. Robopup1,333,300


181. Inject4,936,420
182. 1120 Nails4,916,316
183. Wild Side4,891,200
184. Afkblaziken4,867,830
185. Tnsimmo4,867,537
186. Assassin19674,857,906
187. Littlepoyo4,855,447
188. 0 C M W4,854,666
189. Tnf4,844,577
190. Sharadas4,839,713
191. Syrups4,837,766
192. Sambhogakya4,831,280
193. Offends4,794,710
194. Jamz4,789,973
195. Fe Deejay4,764,247
196. Smash Vials4,758,660
197. Appels4,754,846
198. L0n34,743,615
199. Pelaan Runea4,737,566
200. Lil Rasse4,722,884
201. Kredible4,721,635
202. Zxmw4,689,229
203. Hydrarhc4,687,869
204. Fecrustacean4,686,228
205. Maxedd4,671,200
206. Melted Ducks4,653,471
207. Iiron Zaj4,646,814
208. Only Dabbing4,645,059
209. Giga Jeff4,641,400
210. Garf Guzzler4,638,020


181. Calm3r26,692,000
182. Heightenings26,658,650
183. Ice Juice26,481,875
184. Veliliha26,453,894
185. Erzin26,390,912
186. Tittus26,226,543
187. Vent26,051,866
188. Extended C26,002,649
189. Luck X Skill25,952,590
190. Lilkevinz25,927,670
191. Shrumbo Jimp25,918,770
192. Luthscrum25,791,429
193. Badj3lly25,731,989
194. Chrispy Sama25,701,734
195. Caav25,657,384
196. Zireb25,507,031
197. Ructions25,481,838
198. Macaron25,391,279
199. Pitinator25,322,026
200. H N K25,305,527
201. Scalussy25,269,318
202. Superkoi300025,160,101
203. Bajji25,158,812
204. Iiiizzou25,098,540
205. Zombi Zack25,008,490
206. Orangec24,959,520
207. Occltghxst24,670,880
208. 0lki24,645,612
209. Nmb24,582,518
210. Frxnklin24,549,375
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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