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Prayer Hiscores: Current Top for Divine PvM



1. Gangplank22,658
2. Bobytrap10,098
3. Iamazo7,799
4. Lumo2,970
5. Herra Beavis1,188
6. K A R M A45
7. Zaque27
8. Joco9


1. Mrmcguru2,345,906
2. Warfawk277,980
3. Bmxkane111,672
4. Iamazo89,971
5. Bone Thugsz82,079
6. Bobytrap56,098
7. Gangplank47,610
8. Luffy639,142
9. Psykiatri25,720
10. Hitz23,314
11. S M I L E S18,390
12. Herra Beavis17,257
13. Bwekfast16,035
14. K1ngo14,459
15. Fiiderino13,728
16. Xenocryst8,276
17. Ririline7,425
18. Divine Mass6,044
19. Hemi Spheres5,940
20. Rezoll5,006
21. Lumo4,799
22. Xprox3,217
23. Yeboi Snow2,211
24. Stiven1171,635
25. Zaque1,508
26. Energy Gear900
27. Doge Caravan803
28. Sloothy770
29. K A R M A222
30. Winwin100


1. Yt11,395,757
2. Lumo5,423,201
3. Di Maria4,005,975
4. Gangplank3,315,710
5. Mrmcguru2,668,000
6. Snuuska2,293,942
7. Bone Thugsz1,719,099
8. Kappapride1,307,822
9. Jojorandall1,306,140
10. Blowup Sheep1,301,568
11. Bobytrap904,529
12. Iamazo769,787
13. Hemi Spheres622,821
14. Seaweed505,786
15. Flaccidmoose491,507
16. Hitz408,007
17. K1ngo402,617
18. Stiven117401,252
19. Synq387,309
20. Bwekfast385,534
21. Bmxkane374,944
22. Rypsi366,532
23. Fima323,864
24. Warrer320,119
25. Addu320,010
26. B Ender312,466
27. Barrel300,106
28. Warfawk295,003
29. Coos211,223
30. Herra Beavis167,852
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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