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Mining Hiscores: Current Top

  |   Year ->


451. Chucker1234164,853
452. Littlepoyo164,826
453. Gim Fracu164,820
454. Tama Ai164,663
455. Lifes Full164,425
456. Gokuss127164,328
457. 09v164,328
458. Alonerhere163,910
459. E Nvy163,836
460. Xdxxddxdxx163,488
461. A Llama163,383
462. Warmcloth652163,200
463. Ironpooptart163,041
464. Gig K4162,852
465. Rofitofi162,331
466. Slachter Jan162,326
467. Get Me Beer162,139
468. Saul Goneman161,803
469. F2p Agil161,545
470. Kitingishard161,376
471. Rossalstan161,281
472. Uiha161,212
473. Not Nikki161,171
474. Elitepharaoh160,988
475. Antropos160,836
476. Burger Steve160,704
477. Prepare Ass160,590
478. 5halifa160,476
479. Nool Fe160,265
480. Avaya Ii160,224
481. Tess Callas159,900
482. Alkanhcalt159,843
483. Dynamicgimp159,487
484. Stepsissylix159,456
485. 10 April158,484
486. Slayismyfame158,467
487. Ant1 Soc1al158,372
488. Gazzlars158,209
489. Gelo 3157,960
490. Molag Daedra157,664
491. Cba To Tob157,583
492. Gim Cytrus157,310
493. Bencon157,194
494. Charmqt156,953
495. Cedristpepee156,952
496. 2376total156,948
497. Ghcim Pg Mn156,795
498. Pbm156,620
499. Cemet3ry156,613
500. Dixon156,456


451. Shalysa1,047,638
452. Sky Darts1,046,925
453. Rembodypilow1,045,098
454. Meows 4 Gold1,044,772
455. Lord Bamchow1,044,213
456. Wolfdyke1,043,040
457. High L Skill1,041,455
458. Avaya Ii1,041,312
459. Crazy Rs1,041,024
460. Jazula1,040,125
461. Golem Qt1,039,729
462. Just Chosen1,039,579
463. Cryogenist1,039,346
464. Fade In Out1,037,256
465. Numbly1,036,415
466. Alst1,036,218
467. Bigdogpeezus1,036,048
468. Twisted Jake1,034,202
469. Jeimi1,033,106
470. Cobalt Wiki1,032,060
471. Trashcontent1,030,275
472. Fateofrin1,030,154
473. Waaaaaaag11,029,158
474. Ifantomas61,029,042
475. Lvl3 Reaven1,028,644
476. Dill Picklez1,027,542
477. Formality1,025,918
478. Itstheping1,025,859
479. Kait1,025,426
480. Empty Entity1,025,330
481. Hp Pete1,025,328
482. S Niffin1,024,175
483. Pepper Fe1,023,900
484. Maniack1,023,229
485. Retaliation1,023,168
486. Kela1,022,577
487. Knowny1,020,786
488. Absurdist1,020,654
489. Bee Keeper341,020,379
490. F Jc1,019,967
491. 4lokolover1,018,689
492. 3xdestroyer1,015,743
493. Nah Jokes1,012,585
494. Pyre Fox1,010,788
495. Nomerky1,010,549
496. Jappalenos1,010,217
497. Pvm Nickp1,010,099
498. Lil Rasse1,010,044
499. I Enjoy Life1,010,032
500. Jorma Ribul1,009,719


451. Abel X33,838,247
452. Formality3,836,332
453. Hosey3,833,275
454. Ivosigfrido3,827,844
455. Sevencents3,815,985
456. Herblore Uim3,813,961
457. Newn3,813,772
458. Maidenbeaver3,810,904
459. T Aye3,804,038
460. Dulynoted3,795,437
461. Johnerthan3,795,198
462. Xhayez3,793,464
463. Lvl 1 Sleep3,791,247
464. Burned3,790,785
465. Henbane03,787,617
466. Cold Ham3,785,544
467. Surtic3,782,164
468. Borchenga3,778,607
469. Nickos3,773,196
470. Oloe3,770,486
471. Punkr3as3,769,674
472. Budesfasovat3,769,194
473. Colt Xciv3,768,311
474. Iron Burk3,765,836
475. Streetwizard3,756,386
476. Estiem3,755,036
477. Sechuran3,747,253
478. Plarou3,740,157
479. Turbo Wheeis3,736,193
480. Goblinboyrs3,734,504
481. Opeth013,734,074
482. F Ox Hound3,731,663
483. Questcape 073,731,504
484. Mochi Mage3,731,175
485. Viseca3,726,431
486. Xubera3,723,598
487. Sollor3,723,483
488. Chance Ball3,720,507
489. Luckyimp3,720,380
490. Fox Tv3,712,471
491. Fading Star3,710,928
492. Fusarium53,710,503
493. Batchatillon3,707,897
494. Xfreemaxb3,707,491
495. Makeezz3,701,930
496. Muffiins3,701,566
497. Iron Nino073,692,935
498. Geaux Tigahs3,688,558
499. Z7 Y3,686,313
500. 8i33,682,611
Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Items per page: 30 | 50 | 100 | 200


  • None
  • 3 Combat
  • 1 Defence
  • Ironman
  • Ultimate Ironman
  • Hardcore Ironman
  • On RS Hiscores
  • F2P-Only XP

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