Boss | Kills | Rank | EHB |
>Abyssal Sire | 0 | -801 | 0 |
Alchemical Hydra | 0 | -2,779 | 0 |
Barrows Chests | 0 | -1,917 | 0 |
Bryophyta | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Callisto | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cerberus | 0 | -5,332 | 0 |
Chambers of Xeric | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode | 0 | -4,914 | 0 |
Chaos Elemental | 0 | -1,657 | 0 |
Chaos Fanatic | +83 | -50,206 | +0.83 |
Commander Zilyana | -284 | +198,202 | -6.31 |
Corporeal Beast | +285 | -200,488 | +20.36 |
Crazy Archaeologist | -169 | +68,736 | 0 |
Dagannoth Prime | +169 | -71,383 | +1.76 |
Dagannoth Rex | -941 | +66,667 | -9.80 |
Dagannoth Supreme | +933 | +211,359 | +9.72 |
Deranged Archaeologist | +15 | -247,084 | 0 |
General Graardor | -13 | +189,762 | -0.43 |
Giant Mole | -33 | -80,536 | -0.37 |
Grotesque Guardians | -17 | +44,269 | -0.57 |
Hespori | -58 | -95,048 | 0 |
Kalphite Queen | -35 | -33,433 | -1.00 |
King Black Dragon | -1,067 | -18,023 | -9.70 |
Kraken | -209 | -865 | -2.61 |
Kree'Arra | +123 | -811 | +4.39 |
K'ril Tsutsaroth | +1,309 | -13,513 | +32.73 |
Mimic | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Nightmare | -172 | +186,148 | 0 |
Obor | -233 | -101,949 | 0 |
Sarachnis | +405 | -87,272 | +6.75 |
Scorpia | -15 | +454,036 | -0.15 |
Skotizo | -178 | -381,801 | 0 |
The Gauntlet | -50 | +62,970 | -5.00 |
The Corrupted Gauntlet | -587 | +130,475 | -78.27 |
Theatre of Blood | +717 | -185,878 | +239.00 |
Thermonuclear Smoke Devil | -388 | -77,145 | -3.53 |
TzKal-Zuk | +501 | -18,141 | +626.25 |
TzTok-Jad | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Venenatis | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Vet'ion | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Vorkath | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Wintertodt | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Zalcano | -11 | +152,315 | 0 |
Zulrah | +11 | -157,275 | +0.31 |
EHB | +91 | - | +824.36 |
Showing last 31d
Earliest: 28d 13h ago
XP drop: in 12d 16h
Checked: 0s ago
Changed: 10d 1h ago
149d 19h out of date
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Showing last 31d
Earliest: 28d 13h ago
XP drop: in 12d 16h
Checked: 0s ago
Changed: 10d 1h ago
149d 19h out of date
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