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Ultimate Ironman Bingo

Team Competitors Best Player Gain
1. Kandarin Quackers7Bored Of Uim+148,572,414
2. Melon Ballers7Fat N Gay+68,790,837
3. The N33T Fleet7Firesdow N+66,821,175
4. The Mutated Zygomites6Megaampharos+64,499,949
5. Athletic Associates7Uinsaredumb+62,602,637
6. The Melon Lords7Stunlax+55,085,909
7. Lobster Legion8$25.00 Donator Saund+53,025,945
8. Heebie Jeebies8Jeebz+47,395,544
9. Love Island8Rnwd+45,395,046
10. Exiles7Uim Ori+43,778,719
11. Rellekka Raw Dogs8$36.00 Donator Preternal+42,311,091
12. The Sin Bin7Sin City+40,352,621
13. Squirtle Squad7Thunderaan+39,626,725
14. Jostlers UIM V28111fishkite1+32,995,520
15. POG D HOGS7Champix+30,725,206
